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The moonlight must have been visibly creeping down to us for some few minutes, but so absorbed had I been in the doings of the party in the willows, and so chuckleheaded were the two on the roof, that actually none of us had noticed! I dropped flat and dragged the girl down with me.

I do not want anybody to think I married your daughter for your money." "Matt, you poor, chuckleheaded boy, listen to me. I intend doing for you " "And that," roared Matt Peasley, smiting the desk, "is the very reason why I shall not permit you to do anything for me. That's final, Mr. Ricks. I hope you will realize it's useless to argue with me." "I ought to by this time," Cappy replied bitterly.

Gibney tapped gently with his horny knuckles on the honest McGuffey's head. "If there ain't Swiss cheese movements in that head block o' yours, Mac, you an Scraggsy can divide my share o' these two boxes o' ginseng root between you. Do you get it, you chuckleheaded son of an Irish potato? Gin Seng, 714 Dupont Street. Ginseng a root or a herb that medicine is made out of.

"Of course not. But that chuckleheaded roughneck O'Rourke will. Why did you kiss him? I ain't one o' the presumin' kind, but I'd like to know, Miss Donna." "I kissed him" Donna commenced to cry and hid her burning face in her hands. "I kissed him because because I thought he was dying and he was the first man that looked at me so different. And he was so brave, Mr. Hennage "

When the birds had all settled again, they went to business in a quieter way, for they did not wish to be again driven off in such a sweeping manner; so at last they decided that the owl should be judge, because he looked big and imposing. "Oh!" said Specklems the starling, "but he's so sleepy and chuckleheaded."

The idee o' them longhaired, splay-footed lumbermen, them chuckleheaded, wap-sided, white-pine butchers talking about anybody else's honesty. Why, they wuz born stealin'. They never knowed anything else. They'd steal the salt out o' your hardtack. They'd steal the lids off the Bible. They talk about the 200th Injiannny! I'd like to find the liar that writ that letter.