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Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti! I'm uncommonly glad to see you." He shook hands warmly, a mark of condescension which made the Babu beam with gratification. "Why," continued Merriman, "we'd given you up for dead long ago. So you're the plucky and ingenious fellow who did so much to help Mr. Burke in the famous escape! "Surendra Nath was one of my best clerks, Mr. Burke.

"Babu Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti," announced the darwan. The Babu entered. "Come and tell me if these are our dastaks," said Desmond. The Babu ran his eyes over the papers, and declared: "Yes, sir, they are the identical papers, and I perceive the signature of the Faujdar is dated three weeks ago." "Thank you," said Desmond. "Now, Coja Solomon, I must ask you to come with me."

The words caused Desmond to start: they were so unexpected in such a place. The Indian spoke softly and carefully, as if anxious not to awaken his companions. "Yes," replied Desmond. "Who are you?" "My name, sir, is Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti. "How did you get here?" "That, sahib, is a moving tale.

Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti glanced anxiously around, as if fearful that the others might understand. But they lay listless on their charpoys; they knew no English, and there was nothing in Desmond's tone to quicken their hopelessness. "No, sahib," said the Bengali; "such escapade, if successful, is beyond my ken. There have been attempts; cui bono? Nobody is an anna the better.

"'Your servant Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti," he said slowly, aloud. "Who is Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti?" he asked his man, standing behind. "Truly, huzur, I know not. It is a common name in Bengal a vile Hindu; an unbeliever " "How did this paper come here?" cried Diggle impatiently. "How should I know, sahib? I am a poor man, an ignorant man; I do not read "

The man said that he was a servant of Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti and was on his way to meet Clive Sahib, carrying a letter to him from his master. But he was worn out, having come on foot a day and a night without rest. Coja Solomon unblushingly confessed that, while the man slept at midday, he had taken the letter from him and read it. "Why did you do that?"