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But presently its heavenly silence was broken by the gallop of a single horse, and a Danish orderly, heavily armed, passed the street-side windows, off at last for Christiansted. Soon the conchs and horns began again. With them was blent now the tramp of many feet and the harsh voices of swarming insurgents. Their long silence was explained; they had been sharpening their weapons.

One day, along with all "West-En'," as the negroes called Fredericksted Christiansted was "Bass-En'," I saw two British East-Indiamen sail into the harbor. Such ships never touched at Fredericksted; what could the Britons want? "Water," they said, "and rest"; but they stayed and stayed! their officers roaming the island, asking many questions, answering few.

Near us all was quiet; but the distant sky was in many places red with incendiary fires. At dawn Mr. Kenyon, Gilbert, and others ventured out, and returned with sad tidings brought by courier from Christiansted. At the signal on Sunday night the negroes had swarmed there by thousands.

The island is about twenty-three miles long by six wide. Its two towns are Christiansted on the north and Fredericksted on the south. Christiansted is the capital. In 1848 I lived in Fredericksted, on Kongensgade, or King Street, with my aunts, Marion, Anna, and Marcia, and my grandmother whom the servants called Mi'ss Paula and was just old enough to begin taking care of my dignity.