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And now, wise woman from the West, what is the next act in the play?" Chris smiled with the air of one who is perfectly satisfied with her work. "For the present I fancy we have done enough," she said. "I want to go to bed now, and I want you both to do the same. Also I shall be glad if you will come down in the morning as if nothing had happened.

On these latter occasions Miss Farringdon severely reproved him, and told him that he would never be as capable a man as his uncle had been, if he did not endeavour to cultivate his memory; whereat Chris was inwardly tickled, but was outwardly very penitent and apologetic, promising to try to be less forgetful in future.

Chris had heard the steady tinkle of the bell, like the sound of Aaron's garments, as the priest who had brought him Communion passed back with his sacred burden, and Chris had fallen on his knees where he stood as he caught a glimpse of the white procession passing back to the church, their frosty breath going up together in the winter night air, the wheeling shadows, and the glare of the torches giving a pleasant warm light in the dull cloister.

Chris was her innocent informant. It was only two or three days before the wedding, a warm day of rustling leaves and moving shadows, in late May. The united families were still in town, but plans for escape to the country were made for the very day after the event. Norma had been fighting a little sense of hurt pride because she was not to be included among Leslie's wedding attendants.

'I've brought Barbara to see you. Come in, Barbara. Why, what's the matter? Christopher turned away from Barbara, as she approached him, veiled, and walked to the window, through which he looked on the night, seeing nothing. 'Chris! said Barbara, in a pathetic, wounded voice. 'Chris! Mechanically she raised her veil and looked round upon her uncle with a pale scared face.

"My dear little Chris," he said, "I won't let you do that." That comforted her a little, though she still looked doubtful. She suffered him to lead her to a sofa and sit beside her, but she avoided his eyes. The crisis had come upon her so suddenly, she knew not how to deal with it. "Has no one ever proposed to you before?" he said. "No," she whispered. "Well, it's all right," he said kindly.

"Norma, why don't you stay here, too your husband's in Philadelphia," Leslie asked her. "Do! We shall have so much to do " "We haven't seen the will, but I believe Judge Lee is going to bring it on Wednesday," Annie said, "and Chris said that Mama left you well, I don't know what! I wish you could arrange to stay the rest of the week, at least!" "I will!" Norma agreed.

The Boers are boasting that they will soon drive the last Englishman out of South Africa, and seem to regard it as a sort of general picnic. They will find out their mistake before they have done." "Still, we must not think that it is going to be a picnic our way," Chris said. "They have quite made up their minds that every Boer in Cape Colony and Natal will join them at once.

Now the result is that Chris is able to bring in quantities of clients and gets a commission on all the wine he sells.... What's the matter, Colin? You look quite fierce. 'And that, commented McKeith, 'is an English belted Earl! 'Irish there's a difference. And are they belted really? Isn't it a figure of speech? 'I don't know, and I don't care.

"Because I know the answer?" questioned Max. "Exactly." "Very well." He straightened himself with a smile. "I think I can manage that for you." "Wait!" Mordaunt said. "You mean well, but I would rather you didn't attempt it. I would rather that Chris were left to settle this matter for herself." "So she will. I know what I'm about, bless your heart!