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When, like the river, we women keep to our banks, we give nourishment with all that we have: when we overflow them we destroy with all that we are. Bimala. the younger brother's wife, was the Chota or Junior Rani. Sandip's Story I can see that something has gone wrong. I got an inkling of it the other day.

I stood there in silence in the passage, while Thakur Dada finished all his embellishments of the Chota Lord Sahib's wonderful visit. When he left the room at last, I took the stolen goods and laid them at the feet of the girl and came away without a word. Later in the day I called again to see Kailas Balm himself.

The dressing-room door was shut. When I knocked, Bimala called out: "I am dressing." "I wonder at the Chota Rani," exclaimed my sister-in-law, "dressing so early in the day! One of their Bande Mataram meetings, I suppose. Robber Queen!" she called out in jest to Bimala. "Are you counting your spoils inside?"

I tried cajoling her as the mahout did, and assured her that she was a "Pearl" and my "Heart's Delight." Chota Begum continued walking round and round in a small circle, as did all the other elephants. I changed my tactics, and made the most unmerited insinuations as to her mother's personal character, at the same time giving her a slight hint with the blunt end of the ankus.

She was inordinately fond of oranges, which, of course, were difficult to procure in the jungle, so I daily brought her a present of half-a-dozen of these delicacies, supplementing the gift at luncheon-time with a few bananas. Chota Begum was deeply touched by these attentions, and one morning my mahout informed me that she wished, out of gratitude, to lift me into the howdah with her trunk.

I heard from the passage Kusum asking her grandfather in the most winning voice: "Dada, dearest, do tell me all that the Chota Lord Sahib said to you yesterday. Don't leave out a single word. I am dying to hear it all over again." And Dada needed no encouragement.

On one occasion two of the Maharajah's fishermen were paddling native dug-outs down-stream as we approached a river. Chota Begum, who had never before seen a dug-out, took them for crocodiles, trumpeted loudly with alarm, and refused to enter the water until they were quite out of sight. The curious intelligence of the animal is seen when they are ordered to remove a tree which blocks the road.

'Perhaps it is a man, said Abdullah, finger in mouth, staring. 'Without doubt, returned Kim; 'but he is no man of India that I have ever seen. 'A priest, perhaps, said Chota Lal, spying the rosary. 'See! He goes into the Wonder House! 'Nay, nay, said the policeman, shaking his head. 'I do not understand your talk. The constable spoke Punjabi. 'O Friend of all the World, what does he say?

When the Chota Lord Sahib was announced, Kailas Balm ran panting and puffing and trembling to the door, and led in a friend of mine, in disguise, with repeated salaams, bowing low at each step, and walking backward as best he could. He had his old family shawl spread over a hard wooden chair, and he asked the Lord Sahib to be seated.

I tell this to the Chota Sahib," he meant Hitchcock "and he laughs." "No matter, Peroo. Another year thou wilt be able to build a bridge in thine own fashion." The Lascar grinned. "Then it will not be in this way with stonework sunk under water, as the Qyetta was sunk. I like sus-sus-pen-sheen bridges that fly from bank to bank with one big step, like a gang-plank. Then no water can hurt.