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The ships were now so near the Chops of the Channel that no land was visible, and the entire horizon presented that chill and wintry aspect that belongs to gloomy and driving clouds, to which streaks of dull light serve more to give an appearance of infinite space than any of the relief of brightness.

"Three whole weeks an' po'k chops every day when there ain't something better." With that she got up, went to a corner cupboard and brought out her can of vaseline. "Yo' lyin' ole chile," she muttered; "yo' can sho' res' from yo' labours. This am a lan' o' honey an' the honeycomb." Then voluntarily Sally raised the lid of the stove and pushed the tin can in upon a blazing piece of wood.

Nicholas suggested cold meat, but there was no cold meat poached eggs, but there were no eggs mutton chops, but there wasn't a mutton chop within three miles, though there had been more last week than they knew what to do with, and would be an extraordinary supply the day after tomorrow.

His beard was newly grown; it was a young beard, through which his chin and chops still showed. He smoked cigarettes constantly the thumb and forefinger of his right hand were stained almost black, and Miss Sadie, having the pride of her craft, had several times tried unsuccessfully to bleach them of their nicotine disfigurements.

For breakfast, in this dietary, one or two gluten biscuits are allowed and a cup of unsweetened coffee. Also, six ounces of lean grilled steak, chops or chicken, and any white fish or the whites of two eggs. This is about the layout for luncheon and dinner. It is all about as exciting and appetizing as that.

'Not polite? said Paul. 'No. 'It's not polite, said Paul, innocently, 'to eat all the mutton chops and toast, Wickam says. 'Wickam, retorted Mrs Pipchin, colouring, 'is a wicked, impudent, bold-faced hussy. 'What's that? inquired Paul. 'Never you mind, Sir, retorted Mrs Pipchin. 'Remember the story of the little boy that was gored to death by a mad bull for asking questions.

Of course the next step is to wash this dirty brown mass; and for at least four hours it is scrubbed in a machine which beats it and rolls it and chops it and tumbles it about until the wonder is that anything is left of it.

First to emphasize this fact in the War of 1812 was the naval brig Argus, Captain William H. Allen, which made a summer crossing and cruised for a month on end in the Irish Sea and in the chops of the Channel with a gorgeous recompense for her shameless audacity. England scolded herself red in the face while the saucy Argus captured twenty-seven ships and took her pick of their valuable cargoes.

While the honest Quaker was thus employed, another stranger entered the apartment, and sat down near to the table on which his victuals were placed. He looked repeatedly at Joshua, licked his parched and chopped lips as he saw the good Quaker masticate his bread and cheese, and sucked up his thin chops when Mr.

It's just like the wife of a public-house keeper I remember at home, who used to tell travellers, 'What would you like to eat? You can have ducks or pork chops or sweets anything you've brought with you!" "That was a devilish funny statement!" said his hearers, laughing. "Yes, it's easy enough to invite one to all sorts of fine things when all the time one has to bring them along one's self!