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When Peaches and I get tired of the Big Town tired of its noises and hullabaloo; tired of being tagged by taxis as we cross a street; tired of watching grocers and butchers hoisting higher the highest cost of living that's our cue to grab a choo-choo and breeze out to Uncle Peter Grant's farm and bungalow in the wilds of Westchester, which he calls Troolyrooral.

"Now, Master Cameron!" she cried, when Tom appeared, "don't muss his nice clean clothes. Be careful he doesn't get into anything. Be a good boy, Bobbie, and the choo-choo cars will soon come." Isadore Phelps was a sharp-looking boy, with red hair and so many freckles across the bridge of his nose and under his eyes that, at a little distance, he looked as though he wore a brown mask.

Tharupon, abandonin' menoos an' wonders of the table, he roominates a moment an' declar's that the steamboat now that pie is exclooded ought to get the nomination. "'The choo-choo boat, observes this intelligent savage, 'is the paleface's big medicine. "'You'll have a list of marvels, I says, 'to avalanche upon the people when you cuts the trail of your ancestral tribe ag'in?

After that silence fell upon the deserted garden, broken only by the cry of the chick-a-dee and the choo-choo feeding on the waving heads of the thistles. But I have indicated only two or three of the ways of failing at food production. There are ever so many more. What amazes me, in returning to the city, is to find the enormous quantities of produce of all sorts offered for sale in the markets.

Bunch had just tied his Bubble to a tree at the track and was in the act of giving it a long cool drink of gasolene and some cracked oats, when Flash Harvey bore down on us and made a touch for the turn-out. "Say, Bunch!" chirped Flash, "lend me the choo-choo for half an hour, will you?

"I thought I was booked to go without saying good-bye to you you got the note I pinned on your shack?" "Sure." "Well, there's time for a chin before the choo-choo starts thought I'd be early, not savvying this kind of travelling a great deal. Darned if you ain't growed since I saw you getting fat, too! Well, how's everything?

Remember, next winter, if God wills, you'll come and visit me." "As if we could forget!" cried Kitty, embracing Cutty, who accepted the embrace stoically. "I'll be needing clothes, and Johnny will have to have his hair cut. Oh, Cutty, I'm so foolishly happy!" "Time we started for the choo-choo. Time-tables have no souls. But, Lord, what a racket we've had!" "Well, rather!" from Hawksley.

"I'm almost sorry we didn't," said Morty, who was dreadfully pale and always hated walking. "We'll know better next time." "There'll be no next time for that bubble," I said sadly. "It's sparked its last spark and will never choo-choo again!

"And we sits up and dusts ourselves off in a nonchalant manner while the little old choo-choo continues upon her way to Utica, Syracuse, and all points west, leaving me and the Sweet Caps Kid with all the bright world before us, and nothing behind us but the police force.

And now Saturday Afternoon had come and Percy M. Piker was hanging on the rear end of the Choo-Choo with $7 sewed up in the inside Pocket of his Vest, while in his Hand there fluttered a batch of Clippings, written by the Smoke Brothers, showing which ones were sure to win unless something happened. Mr.