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Chiz sets himself for another one knee-high with an inshoot, and when he gets one he whales it again, and away trots the admiral on another hunt down the hill. And Chiz makes six more runs before they even see the top of the admiral's head over the brow of the hill.

Might as well get out, hadn't you?" Chiz got out. "An American lieutenant-commander in this place must rate about seven numbers below a yellow dog," said Chiz to Mac when he came out. The idea was for all hands to forget rank for a while, get into the game, and so cement the entente between the two nations.

He knew what he wanted, and by and by he got one one about knee-high with a little incurve to it. Chiz sets himself and swings and whale-O it goes, over the old admiral's head and down the slope beyond.

Chiz makes all the runs the law allows six, I think it is and he's sitting resting on the wide part of his cricket-bat before the admiral even shows the top of his head over the hill with the ball. When he does and heaves it about half-way to the pitcher, or bowler, or whatever they call him, he's out of breath.

Chiz was picked for one of our team, and you all know what a husky he is, and what he used to do with a baseball-bat. There aren't many who ever hit 'em any further or oftener than Chiz on the old Annapolis ball-field. He was one of the first of our fellows to go to bat.

There are two channels leading into the naval base port call them West and East. This same Chisholm was one day headed for port in the usual hurry and was already well into the west channel when a signal was whipped out from the signal hill. It was for his ship and it read: "West Channel mined last night by U-boats. Proceed to sea and come in by East Channel." Chiz did not proceed to sea.

Here the next day Mac told the story in the smoke-room of the King's Hotel: "Well, Chiz went and you know his courtly style he has his cape over his shoulders and he salaams and says, 'Good morning, sir. "The old man looks up and says like ice: 'You got my signal yesterday afternoon? "'I did, sir. "'Then why did you not turn back and come in by the other channel?

And Chiz has a chair, and they have a talk, and after that Chiz finds him a lot easier to get along with. Chiz says now that the old fellow isn't such a terrible chap not after you get onto his curves. Our fellows were mostly strong for it, too two or three so strong that it was hard to tell whether they were Americans or something else even their accents.

Her nose hauled up on the quarter of the 323; up to her beam; up to her bridge. As he passed the 323 and he passed quite close to let all hands view the passing the poker-playing friend leaned out and megaphoned across: "What you making, Chiz?" "Twenty knots!" hailed back Chisholm. "I am seeing your twenty knots and raising you five!" returned the other, and passed on.

Chiz hefts his bat and you know those cricket-bats, what they look like and how they feel after you've been used to meeting fast ones with a narrow baseball-bat. They are wide and heavy and springy. Chiz doesn't pay any attention to three or four balls that come along, except to fend them away from the wicket with his wide cricket-bat.