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The Old or Greater Urgenz was situated near to where the Gihon discharges its waters into lake Aral; the New or Ixsser Urgenz is to be found near Chiwa, or Chiva, on the Gihon Forst. Oltrarra is properly called Otrar, and also Farab, which latter name is to be found in Abulfeda. It is situate on the river Sihon or Sire. The Chinese, who cannot pronounce the letter r, call it Uotala. Forst.

Fine pearls come from the coast of Armuzi , 700 leagues from Calicut. Spikenard and myrabolans from the province of Columbaia , 600 leagues from Calicut. Cassia in twigs is procured in the territory of Calicut. Frankincense is brought from Saboea , 800 leagues distant. Aloes-wood, rhubarb, camphor, and calinga, is sent from the country of Chiva , 4000 leagues from Calicut.

XIII. So the Infantes of Carrion went their way, by the Campo del Quarto to Chiva, and to Bonilla, and to Requena, and to Campo-Robres, and they took up their lodging at Villa Taxo. And on the morrow they took the road to Amaja, and leaving it on the right came to Adamuz, and passed by Colcha, and rested at Quintana.