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"We'll see," he laughed; struck the match. She stepped swiftly within the door; closed it. Bob Chater laughed again; ran across. The lock clicked as she turned the key. "Let me in!" he cried, rattling the handle. "Let me in!" The splash of water answered him. He thumped the panel. "Open the door!" "Now, Angela," he heard her say, "quick as lightning with that chimmy."

He takes great delight in imitating the lingo of the New York street gamin. A dignified person named James may be greeted with: "Hully Gee! Chimmy, when did youse blow in?" He likes to mimic and imitate types, generally, that are distasteful to him. The sanctimonious hypocrite, the sleek speculator, and others whom he has probably encountered in life are done "to the queen's taste."

Scarbridge?" "Thash all ri', Grish," interposed Blake, "thash all ri'. M'frensh Chimmy Ear' Albondash. Hish fa'er's Dush Rubby y' shee?" Without raising his voice, Griffith gave utterance to a volley of blasphemous expletives that crackled on the air like an electric discharge. "If you will kindly permit me, sir " "Hell!" cut in the engineer. "You call yourself his friend.

"Mebbe you think I'm after the grease," remarked Nal with deliberation, "but I ain't. Folks say ye're rich, Mr. Bobo, but I don't keer for that. I'm after Mandy, an' I'll take her in her chimmy." "I'll be damned if ye will, Nal! Ye won't take Mandy at all, an' that's all there is about it." "Say," said Mr.

That irks him sore; but if he turns round to reproach them he is liable to shove an old lady or a poor blind man off the sidewalk, and then, like as not, some gamin will sing out: "Hully gee, Chimmy, wot's become of the rest of the parade? 'Ere's the bass drum goin' home all by itself." I've known of just such remarks being made and I assure you they cut a sensitive soul to the core.