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But wan day, whin his mother was thryin' an a velvet sack he bought for her, an' fightin' him bekase there was no fur collar to id, in walked his wife an' three childher to him an' her, an' shtayed wid her ever afther. Begob, she never said another word about fur collars, an' she never got another velvet sack till she died.

They say that th' Jap'nese grow up too fast f'r their childher, an' that 'tis no pleasant sight to see a Jap'nese pupil combin' a set iv gray whiskers an' larnin', 'Mary had a little lamb, and if th' Prisidint wants thim to enther th' schools he'll have to load thim in a cannon an' shoot thim in." "We'd bate thim in a fight," said Mr. Hennessy.

"An' I scourin' the counthry all round about Connolly's farm lookin' for ye!" said Michael Lally indignantly, as he examined Jocko's knees. "And have they really got plenty of eggs at Connolly's?" cried Terry. "For only three will not last very long, you know." "Here, Missus Nancy, for all the sakes will you take your childher out o' my road?" cried Lally.

Th' flowers won't grow here no more thin they wud in a tannery, an' th' bur-rds have no song; an' th' childher iv dacint men an' women come up hard in th' mouth an' with their hands raised again their kind. "Th' la-ad was th' scoorge iv th' polis.

Poor Bob! he is gone the way of all fools, and all flesh. "Indeed, childher, it's no wonder for yez to enquire! Where did I get him, Dick? musha, and where would I get him but in the ould place, a-hagur; with the ould set: don't yez know that a dacent place or dacent company wouldn't sarve Ned? nobody but Shane Martin, and Jimmy Tague, and the other blackguards."*

"It's a thrue saying, that as the ould cock crows the young one larns; and this was thrue here, for the childher fought one another like so many divils, and swore like Trojans Larry, along with everything else, when he was a Brine-oge, thought it was a manly thing to be a great swearer; and the childher, when they got able to swear, warn't worse nor their father.

"Och, masther, dear! don't timpt the ill-conditioned crathur wid charging too near; think of the wife and the childher. Let me come at the rampaging baste, an' I'll stick the knife into the heart of him." Moodie fired. The bear retreated up the clearing, with a low growl. Moodie and Jenny pursued him some way, but it was too dark to discern any object at a distance.