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Daly, in attempting to reach the interior States, received these replies to his inquiries about distance "As far as a gunshot may be heard from this particular hill;" "If you wash your head before starting it will not be dry before you reach the place," etc. They also measure distances by the day's walk, and by the number of times it is necessary to chew betel between two places.

His claws were gone; his hair was thin, and in some places his skin was naked, and he had barely more than red, hard gums to chew with. If he lived until autumn he would den up for the last time. Perhaps death would come even sooner than that. If so, Kuyas Wapusk would know in time, and he would crawl off into some hidden cave or deep crevice in the rocks to breathe his last.

Then the spectators ranged along the wall would burst out laughing, nudge each other and stamp their feet on the floor. And he, without ever uttering a word, would continue eating with his right hand, while stretching out his left to protect his plate. Another time they made him chew corks, bits of wood, leaves or even filth, which he was unable to distinguish.

The cowboys then drive them steadily forward for eight or ten miles, until early evening, when they are halted for another graze. As night falls they are turned into the bedding grounds. The men ride slowly around the herd, crowding them into a compact mass. As the circle lessens the beasts lie down to rest and chew their cuds.

And, sure enough, if any man might chew the cud of placid reflections, solid Howard, a mournful man otherwise, might at intervals indulge a little in that luxury. No money-salary had he for his work; he had merely the income of his properties, and what he could derive from within. Is this such a sublime distinction, then? Well, let it pass at its value.

Then there's that ecclesiastical looking party, the patron of Bromo-Quinine, whom I always take for some bearded movie star. But to return to their artistic merits, they are artistic. Take those same "contented cows." What could be more futurist than the coal black sky under which they so contentedly graze? Or the henna hills so far away, or the purple grass they chew.

"Ala, my father Bagbagak, send the stars to go and get some of the sugar cane which I saw, for I am anxious to chew it," she said, for she was pregnant and desired to chew the sugar cane. Not long after, "Ala, you Salibobo and Bitbitówen let us go and get the sugar cane, for Gaygayóma is anxious to chew it," said Bagbagak. Not long after they went.

If your fat kine have eaten the lean, they have not lain down to chew the cud ever since.

Every bear, of course, likes to chew his own feet, for it is one of the most soothing and comforting things in the world; but it is horrid to have anyone else come up behind you when you are asleep, and begin to chew your feet for you. And that was Kahwa that was my sister, my name being Brownie was always doing, and I simply had to slap her well whenever she did.

Yesterday I saw him take a chew off Bat's plug an' Bat don't offer his plug promiscuous. He'll go back East, an' the refinement will cover him up again an' that's a damned shame. But he won't be just the same. It won't crust over no more, because the prejudice is gone. He's chewed the meat of the cow country an' he's found it good."