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The reason assigned for the suspension of the Chess-Player's performances, was not the illness of Schlumberger. The inferences from all this we leave, without farther comment, to the reader. The Turk plays with his left arm. A circumstance so remarkable cannot be accidental. Brewster takes no notice of it whatever beyond a mere statement, we believe, that such is the fact.

These old comrades, who had parted in pursuit of their several advantage, found that they had more to lose than to gain by defeating each other in any bloody or inconveniently decisive engagement. Therefore they adopted systems of campaigning which should cost them as little as possible, but which enabled them to exhibit a chess-player's capacity for designing clever checkmates.

Marlowe was famous for his imitation of Manderson's voice; he had a talent for acting; he had a chess-player's mind; he knew the ways of the establishment intimately. I grant you that the idea was brilliantly carried out; but everything favoured it.

The Chess-Player's Instructor, or Guide to Beginners. By Charles Henry Stanley. New York. Robert M. DeWitt. 32mo. pp. 72. 38 cts. Matrimonial Brokerage in the Metropolis. Being the Narrative of Strange Adventures in New York and Startling Facts in City Life. By a Reporter of the Press. New York. Thatcher & Hutchinson. 12mo. pp. 355. $1.00. Adam Bede.