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Miss Lucy Bertram, my love, I am most happy to see you. And he folded her in his arms, and gave her a hearty kiss on each side of the face, to which Lucy submitted in blushing resignation. 'On n'arrete pas dans un si beau chemin, continued the gay old gentleman, and, as the Colonel presented him to Julia, took the same liberty with that fair lady's cheek.

Possibly he regarded the Flanders offensive in April and the attack on the Chemin des Dames in May as diversions merely intended to draw reserves away from the Amiens front and facilitate a resumption of his original design with better chance of success. Certainly those offensives were begun with limited forces, and probably succeeded beyond his expectations.

The paper had an inscription written in four lines, which were remarkable for the profusion of notes of admiration and interrogation with which they were interspersed: "Gallia??? Ab sole, au 15 fev. 59,000,000 l.! Chemin parcouru de janv. a fev. 82,000,000 l.!! Va bene! All right!! Parfait!!!" There was a general sigh of disappointment.

It was well done, and not difficult to do. He had but to utter the horror that was in him. "O, Kit!" came the Parson's resentful bellow. "I'm afraid!" screamed the lad. "I can't help it. O-o-o-h!" He ran with huddled head, clutching at the boy before him. "Attrapez ces gaillards! Ne tirez pas!" shouted the Gentleman. "Un deux d'entre vous leur coupent le chemin! Les autres, par ici!"

La montée est trés-rude parce qu'il n'y a point de chemin; je la fis

You may walk round the enceinte of Aigues-Mortes, both outside and in; but you may not, as at Carcassonne, make a por- tion of this circuit on the chemin de ronde, the little projecting footway attached to the inner face of the battlements.

It's all humbug, I know! What are you busy at I'd like to know? I never saw you busy yet." "Upon my word, old man," said Tom, "I'm awfully sorry, but I've got a tremendous lot to do. I'm going to try for the French prize; I am, really." "And you'll get it, too; rather! Wasn't it you who translated `I know the way to write' into `Je non le chemin a writer' eh?

"Mege hasn't opened his windows. He's a good fellow, after all; although our friends Bache and Morin dislike him." Then, as his brother still refrained from answering, Pierre added, "Come, let us go, we must get back home." They both turned into the Rue de la Folie Regnault, and reached the outer Boulevards by way of the Rue du Chemin Vert. All the toilers of the district were now at work.

«Nous quittons les bains de Loiche pour nous rapprocher du Rhône: on repasse par Inden, on ne trouve ensuite que des pierres, des rochers, des escarpemens; c'est un chemin des plus mauvais jusqu'au bourg de Loiche; c'est pour éviter ce chemin qu'on a fait celui des galleries. Le bourg de Leuck, ou Loiche, est un des principaux endroits du Vallais, bâti en pierres, dans une position fort élevée et très-forte; l'art avoit encore ajouté anciennement

My original plan was to live with the Vice-Governor General, Monsieur de Meulemeester, but his establishment was so taxed by the demands of the Ministerial party that I lodged with Monsieur Theews, Chief Engineer of the Chemin de Fer des Grands Lacs, where I was most comfortable in a large frame bungalow that commanded a superb view of the river and the town.