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These are preserved with care, but many of the vases produced by the pioneers of the potting industry in this country serve their original purpose still, and glass and china and rare Wedgwood jasper ware ornament the home of the twentieth-century reader of the "Chats" series, as they did the "withdrawing" rooms of their original owners in the eighteenth century. Derbyshire Spars.

The missionary nearly lost his life in consequence, the Neutrals conceiving the idea that he would infect their country with a pestilence. Southward and eastward of Lake Erie dwelt a kindred people, the Eries, or Nation of the Cat. Little besides their existence is known of them. "Nous les appellons la Nation Chat, a cause qu'il y a dans leur pais vne quantite prodigieuse de Chats sauuages." Ibid.

"Billy, then," she resumed, "keeps her father happy in the thought that he is all the world to her, and that her occasional chats with Joe are of an entirely uplifting and impersonal character." "Impersonal! Uplifting!" Mrs. Haviland repeated indignantly. "There wasn't very much uplift about them the other night.

"Ah! my dear Abbe, how pleased I am to see you!" said he. "You must remember what pleasant chats we had when we met at Cardinal Bergerot's! I told you about some paintings which you were to see for your book, some miniatures of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. And now, you know, I mean to take possession of you. I'll show you Rome as nobody else could show it to you.

You would be quite wrong to picture in him an everlasting grumbler. Not at all; he laughs with those who laugh, he chats and jokes with children, he rallies his housekeeper." He was not so civil to all the world, and occasionally turned upon his pursuers with a word of most sardonic roughness. But he could also be very generous.

Those chats with the doctor in that grimy little consulting-room in Pimlico remained ever in his memory. The doctor was the representative of those who held him in their power persons who were being continually hunted by the police, yet who always evaded them criminals all! To insult him would be to insult those who had paid him so well for his confidential services.

Said he: "I remember, too, being somewhat startled, coming as I did from the seclusion of a country life, with a certain emphatic frankness of manner, which, however, I came at last to like and admire." Many an attractive page might be written of these talks with Mathews, rambles with DeKay, and daily chats with his old messmates of the sea, and this "Bread and Cheese Club."

I don't know what the village will think, but seems to me the town clerk might write down in his book, 'This day the State of Maine saved the flag!" THE foregoing episode, if narrated in a romance, would undoubtedly have been called "The Saving of the Colors," but at the nightly chats in Watson's store it was alluded to as the way little Becky Randall got the flag away from Slippery Simpson.

What must he and thousands of others like him excellent, industrious, civil-spoken Germans feel all through England to-day? Mrs. Otway, who had always liked the man, and who enjoyed her little chats with him, knew perhaps rather more about this prosperous tradesman than most of the Witanbury people knew.

The chats, more or less confidential and altogether unconventional, which I propose to hold with the readers of this modest volume have to do with certain sub-laws which are so often overlooked that to return to the figure of the building the wind finds its way through chinks; the floors creak and the general impression is that of bare homeliness.