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But I'd seen other chaps do the same sort of thing and the girls didn't mind, and I'd thought that she ought to be jolly pleased at getting to know a Trojan and all that sort of thing. "But when I saw that she wasn't going to give the letters back but meant to use them I was terribly frightened.

I ant chaffing now; this here's all true as true as that the chaps all wears a dagger sort of a thing with a crooked handle, and calls it a crease." "Yes, I know they all wear the kris," said the lad. "Yes, sir, and a plaid kilt, just like a Scotchman." "What?"

"Well, come to the end of the jetty," he ses. "I've got something private to say." I got up slow-like and followed 'im. I wasn't a bit curious. Not a bit. But if a man asks for my 'elp I always give it. "It's like this," he ses, looking round careful, "only I don't want the other chaps to hear because I don't want to be laughed at. Last week an old uncle o' mine died and left me thirty pounds.

At last, two of the biggest chaps rushed into the schoolroom, and seizing each an arm, run me into the playground bolt up against the shoemaker. "Dis is my man. I beg your lortship's pardon," says he, "I have brought your lortship's shoes, vich you left. See, dey have been in dis parcel ever since you vent avay in my boots." "Shoes, fellow!" says I. "I never saw your face before!"

Little undersized chaps, they are all chatter and jabber, and when they used to come alongside to unload, it were jest for all the world like so many boatfuls of monkeys. "Well, I starts for my third voyage, being by this time about sixteen or seventeen.

"I'm curious about the King of the Pipes. Charley-Horse Pond, Willie calls him." "Queer old boy, I guess," admitted Chess. "But I want to know more about those chaps who unloaded the boxes." "What could have been in the boxes? Surely there is no camping party on that island. At least, no pleasure party." "I fancy not. If you ask me about the boxes, I am puzzled.

Laverick inquired. "Ain't I told you?" Shepherd exclaimed, sitting up. "Why, he's been to my place down in 'Ammersmith, asking questions about me. My landlady swears he didn't go into my room, but who can tell whether he did or not? Those sort of chaps can get in anywhere. Then I went out for a bit of an airing after the one o'clock rush was over to-day, and I'm danged if he wasn't at my 'eels.

Fancy he went to the right, but couldn't say." "He won't be back in half an hour," said Uncle Mo. "Not if he's the man I take him for. You see, he's one of these here chaps that tells lies. You've heard o' them; seen one, p'r'aps?" Mr. Jeffcoat testified that he had, in his youth, and that rumours of their existence still reached him at odd times.

Don't forget the tip? Lord, how I long to walk into some o' these chaps, and give 'em the beans! and I will yet afore I'm many days older, hang me if I don't. I shall bust, I do expect; and if I do, them that ain't drownded will be scalded, I know. Chah! chah!

However, I have others of you, and some day I'll try a composite picture, inserting you in the honorable position you decline to fill," grumbled Will, as he pressed the button, and secured his view of the venerable tree with the clump of dogs near its base. "Talk about your obstinate chaps, did you ever see the equal of him?