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I daresay my wife knows. They had parted, when a hand came upon his shoulder. Lord Channelcliffe had turned back for an instant: 'I find she is the granddaughter of my father's old friend, the last Lord Hengistbury. Her name is Mrs. Mrs. Pine-Avon; she lost her husband two or three years ago, very shortly after their marriage.

However, for the minute he had to converse with his host, Lord Channelcliffe, and almost the first thing that friend said to him was: 'Who is that pretty woman in the black dress with the white fluff about it and the pearl necklace? 'I don't know, said Jocelyn, with incipient jealousy: 'I was just going to ask the same thing. 'O, we shall find out presently, I suppose.

'You are looking for somebody I can see that, said she. 'Yes a lady, said Pierston. 'Tell me her name, and I'll try to think if she's here. 'I cannot; I don't know it, he said. 'Indeed! What is she like? 'I cannot describe her, not even her complexion or dress. Lady Channelcliffe looked a pout, as if she thought he were teasing her, and he moved on in the current.

A diversion was caused by Lady Channelcliffe bringing up somebody to present to the ex-Minister; the ladies got mixed, and Jocelyn lost sight of the one whom he was beginning to suspect as the stealthily returned absentee.

Lord Channelcliffe became absorbed into some adjoining dignitary of the Church, and Pierston was left to pursue his quest alone. A young friend of his the Lady Mabella Buttermead, who appeared in a cloud of muslin and was going on to a ball had been brought against him by the tide. A warm-hearted, emotional girl was Lady Mabella, who laughed at the humorousness of being alive.