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Moreover one might lose one's life." "Could the Masters make men?" inquired Esther, who had recently come across Frankenstein. "Certainly," said Moses. "And what is more, it stands written that Reb Chanina and Reb Osheya fashioned a fine fat calf on Friday and enjoyed it on the Sabbath." "Oh, father!" said Solomon, piteously, "don't you know Cabalah?"

Chanina Ben Chania inserted natural and wooden teeth as early as the second century, C.E." There is a famous summing up of the possibilities of life and happiness in the Talmud that has been often quoted its possible wanting in gallantry being set down to the times in which it was written.

R. Jacob said, "He who is walking by the way and studying, and breaks off his study and says, 'How fine is that tree, how fine is that fallow, him the Scripture regards as if he had forfeited his life." R. Chanina, the son of Dosa, said, "He in whom the fear of sin precedes wisdom, his wisdom shall endure; but he in whom wisdom comes before the fear of sin, his wisdom will not endure." 12.

Whence thou camest: from a fetid drop; whether thou art going: to a place of dust, worms, and maggots; and before whom thou wilt in the future have to give an account and reckoning: before the Supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He." R. Chanina, the Vice-High-Priest, said, "Pray for the welfare of the government, since but for the fear thereof men would swallow each other alive."

R. Chanina, the son of Hakinai, said, "He who keeps awake at night, and goes on his way alone, while turning his heart to vanity, such a one forfeits his own life."

During the second and third centuries of our era, while the Talmudic writings were taking shape, three great Jewish physicians came into prominence. The first of them, Chanina, was a contemporary of Galen. According to tradition, as we have said, he inserted both natural and artificial teeth before the close of the second century. The two others were Rab or Raw and Samuel.