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But if the balls are put back in the bag after being drawn the chances of drawing a red one after three have been drawn are exactly the same as ever. If we toss a cent and heads appear twelve times, that does not have the slightest effect on the thirteenth toss there is still an even chance that it, too, will be heads.

"Indeed, he was," answered the mourner. "Andy was one true friend. He never asked me to lend him a cent, though I knew that he was practically starving to death." It was during the nerve-racking period of waiting for the signal to go over the top that a seasoned old sergeant noticed a young soldier fresh from home visibly affected by the nearness of the coming fight.

"Anything is nothing; put it in figures," sneered Meadows, incredulously. "I'll give twenty per cent off all you give me if you will let me see the bottom." "The bottom?" "The reason, sir the motive! the why! the wherefore the what it is all to end in. The bottom!" "Why not say you would like to read John Meadows' heart?" "Don't be angry, sir; it is presumption, but I can't help it.

They signed a contract on the spot, which, among other things, provided for an advance payment of 25 per cent. of the total sum. Mr. Sorensen cabled us what he had done and took the next boat home. The 25 five per cent. payment was, by the way, not touched by us until after the entire contract was completed: we deposited it in a kind of trust fund.

But courage and industry have conquered these difficulties one after another, until now the fact that the prompt and intelligent use of antitoxin will effect a cure of from ninety to ninety-five per cent of all cases of diphtheria is as thoroughly established as any other fact in medicine.

He told the woman her husband lost the money gambling, and he could not get a cent back. Then she let go; but the pistol failed to go off, and he got her to go back into the cabin, and pacified her by giving her $100. After taking the charge out of her pistol, I returned it to her. So, reader, you can see what a gay life there is in gambling.

I'll sell the bed from under you I'll break you and your stuck-up ways, and you'll not get a cent of money from me not if your tongue was hanging out." The children shrank into corners and pitifully tried to efface themselves. The dog, with drooping tail, sought shelter under the table.

It seems to me you had much better have obeyed my aunt's instructions at once, or go to her at Fulham, and consult with her on this subject." "'Sdeath, Mr. Titmarsh! don't you see that if she makes a sale of her property, she will hand over the money to Brough; and if Brough gets the money he " "Will give her seven per cent. for it instead of three, there's no harm in that."

An altogether different state of affairs, however, exists in this country. Likin stations are found throughout the country, while raw materials are taxed. Take the Hangchow silk for instance. When transported to the Capital for sale, it has to pay a tax on raw material of 18 per cent.

All the world and his wife his wife especially may make and use a needle with any style or position of hole without paying a cent of royalty for the inestimable privilege. That historic implement has the largest liberty, and may disport itself in an infinity of scrolls and intricacies over the raiment of male and female.