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Their usefulness has been limited by their being transient and temporary; their ceasing to bear interest at given periods necessarily causes their speedy return and thus restricts their range of circulation, and being used only in the disbursements of Government they can not reach those points where they are most required.

The eyes would follow the movements of the spectator, and the lips would 'gibber without ceasing. No voice was audible, but Mordake avers that he was kept from his rest at night by the hateful whispers of his 'devil twin, as he called it, 'which never sleeps, but talks to me forever of such things as they only speak of in hell.

I pray only that the dream and the longing may be killed, and killed quickly!" In the silence, the bird's note sounded clear and tender. The dance of the dust-motes, like the great dance of Life itself, went on without ceasing. The robin seemed to insist on a brighter view of things. He urged his companion to take comfort. Had the spring not come?

But this at least could not be doubted that as yet poverty had not ceased, nor indeed had made any sensible preparations for ceasing, from any land in Europe.

McCulloch, in his Description of the Western Islands, wrote thus: 'Second sight has undergone the fate of witchcraft; ceasing to be believed, it has ceased to exist'. Now, as to whether second sight exists or not, we may think as we please, but the belief in second sight is still vivacious in the Highlands, and has not altered in a single feature.

I only made a little pone las' night; thar's some left fer you. Shant I fix ye some 'fore dad wakes up?" But there was no answer to his pleading, and, ceasing his efforts, the lad sank on his knees by the rude bed, not daring even to give open expression to his grief lest he arouse the drunken sleeper by the fireplace.

Ultimately, we are what we love and care for, and no limit has been set to what we may become without ceasing to be ourselves. The case is the same with our love of country. No limit has been set to what our country may come to mean for us, without ceasing to be our country.

But the oak had promised that Spin Head would reveal a secret, and she was curious to know what it was. Like all girls, she was in a hurry to have the secret. To ease her impatience, Dri'-fa looked on, while Spin Head was thus busy at making his dwelling place, with shining threads which he spun out, never ceasing.

With streaming eyes they knelt before the painting and prayed without ceasing to the Queen of Heaven that she would be graciously pleased to conduct them safely home. For a long time they met with no response, but when they were nearing Cofano, every sailor heard a voice, as though coming from the picture and declaring that the Madonna desired to be landed on the neighbouring coast.

She called her mother, she cursed her sister, she cursed God. The snow fell and the wind blew. Katinka froze, her limbs stiffened, and she fell motionless. The snow still fell and the wind still blew. The mother went without ceasing from the window to the door, and from the door to the window. The hours passed and Katinka did not return. "I must go and look for my daughter," said she.