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By this means the lassie would not only learn that her brother was in the power of the elves, but would also learn how to release him. Accordingly, the night before Hallow-e'en, the bonnie Janet dreamed that the long-lost Robin was living in Elf-land, and that he was to pass through the streets with a cavalcade of fairies.

At each sweep of the prodigious feather, the fog grew thinner, until it melted impalpably away, and the former landscape returned, yet warm with the glowing sun. As Father Jose gazed, a strain of martial music arose from the valley, and issuing from a deep canyon, the good Father beheld a long cavalcade of gallant cavaliers, habited like his companion.

The new prisoner was then ordered to fall in with the rest, and the cavalcade once more took up its line of march for the fort; but a short stop was made as soon as they were out of sight of the squatter's cabin, during which Bob pulled off his disguise and put on his own garments.

She stood for a moment, her eyes growing deep with delicious memories, as she recalled the romance of their first meeting. But she was conscious of a little pain at her heart, as she waited, following him with her eyes until the cavalcade was lost to view under the plumy shadows of the distant cypress-trees.

Having paid his homage to Anne Boleyn, the mayor rejoined the company of bailiffs and burgesses, and the whole cavalcade crossed the bridge, winding their way slowly along the banks of the river, the barge, with the minstrels playing in it, accompanying them the while.

He was met on the way by Crichton evidently an accomplished courtier, and full of all the habits and ways of diplomacy who invited the cavalcade to turn aside and rest for a day or two in Crichton Castle, where everything had been prepared for their reception.

You'll have to pay for this!" Another man, who appeared to be the proprietor, now came from a wagon in the rear of the cavalcade. "What's that about damages?" he cried. "I'll pay nothing! I have a permit to travel on the highway!" "You have no right to scare horses!" Willis retorted. "Your lion made a horrible noise." "His noise wasn't worse than your hog stench!" the showman rejoined hotly.

Just as they have got well fixed in place, with some leafy branches in front forming a screen over their faces, at the same time giving them an aperture to peep through, the dusky cavalcade shows its foremost files issuing out from the bushes on the opposite side of the stream.

"For himself he is simple in his tastes, but he knows that the people are impressed by pomp, and love to see a brave cavalcade, therefore he insists on the observance of outward forms; and his court here on state occasions vies, as they tell me, with that of Henry of France." "Where shall we rest tonight?" Wulf asked.

From without came the clacking of many hoofs moving orderly on stone flags. From the accompanying jingle of metal bits of man-harness and steed-harness I knew some cavalcade was passing by on the street beneath my windows. Also, I wondered idly who it was.