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And for goodness sake teach them that there are some things which even they cannot do." He did not mean this unkindly, for he had taken a fancy to the boys, but he saw that they would need to be restrained a great deal before they could become really first-class stock-men. The author has seen quite a small man throw a full-sized bull in this way on a Central Australian cattle-station.

Monday arrived last day of November and seventeenth anniversary of my birth and I celebrated it in a manner which I capitally enjoyed. It was the time of the annual muster at Cummabella a cattle-station seventeen miles eastward from Caddagat and all our men were there assisting.

After that the lubras, in a private quarrel during the washing of clothes, tore one of the "couple of changes" of blouses sadly; and the mistress of a cattle-station was obliged to entertain guests at times in a pink cambric blouse patched with a washed calico flour-bag; no provision having been made for patching.

I was lucky, too, in the additional venture of a cattle-station, and in the breed of horses and herds, which, in the five years devoted to that branch establishment, trebled the sum invested therein, exclusive of the advantageous sale of the station. I was lucky, also, as I have stated, in the purchase and resale of lands, at Uncle Jack's recommendation.

He was a small, wiry, hard-featured fellow, the son of a stockman on a big cattle-station, and began life as a horse-breaker; he was naturally a horseman, able and willing to ride anything that could carry him. He left the station to go with cattle on the road, and having picked up a horse that showed pace, amused himself by jumping over fences.

The cook was the only white man on the station when they reached Sidcotinga, and he made them welcome with the genuine rough hospitality for which the back country is famous. The resources of a desert cattle-station are very limited, but everything which was possible was done for the two white boys, and they spent a very restful and enjoyable week and a half, loafing round the homestead.

Such debacles must often bury standing forests in a very favourable material, climate, and position for becoming fossilized. On the 30th of August I arrived at Yeumtong, a small summer cattle-station, on a flat by the Lachoong, 11,920 feet above the sea; the general features of which closely resemble those of the narrow Swiss valleys.

Consequently the manager was quite used to turning out in the middle of the night to guard one portion or another of the station property, and the mere pulling out of the plugs from the watering-troughs was forgotten almost as soon as the affair was over. Important business was afoot the chief business of a cattle-station mustering.

Betts a gold medal and there was an American gentleman who spoke and he said as how this place of Mr. Betts next to that place, Harpenden way Rothamsted, I think they call it was most 'ighly thought of in the States and Mr. Betts had done fine. And that's the cattle-station over there, miss, where they fattens 'em, and weighs 'em.

Burke suddenly remembered Mount Despair, a cattle-station about one hundred and fifty leagues away, and with his indomitable resolution persuaded his companions to start for it, depositing first in the little iron casket the journal of his discoveries and the date of his departure.