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They learned to read, write, sew, and say the catechism. Also to sing; for, often as the ladies passed the little chapel of Our Lady, a chorus of sweet young voices came to us, making the flowery garden behind the church of St. Sauveur a favourite resting-place.

"Well, old Jo ..." It seemed to her that Ellen's kiss was warmer than usual. Or was it that her own heart was so warm...? Ellen found her remarkably silent. She had expected an outpouring of Joanna's adventures, achievements and triumphs, combined with a desperate catechism as to just how much ruin had befallen Ansdore while she was away.

She found that no one had observed her former visit; the only remarks made being some goody ones about the disgrace of being kept in. When Mr Malison returned to the school about four o'clock, he found all quiet as death. The boys appeared totally absorbed in committing the Shorter Catechism, as if the Shorter Catechism was a sin, which perhaps it was not.

'So to you, she said presently in the same strange altered voice, 'my father when I saw that light on his face before he died, when I heard him cry, "Master, I come!" was dying deceived deluded. Perhaps even, and she trembled, 'you think it ends here our life our love? It was agony to him to see her driving herself through this piteous catechism.

And so he ran on with half-a-dozen questions, and at the end of his catechism said, bluntly enough 'I tell you what it is, Mrs. Mack, you have something on your mind, my dear Madam, and till it's off, you'll never be better. Poor Mrs. Mack opened her eyes, and made a gesture of amazed disclaimer, with her hands palm upwards. It was all affectation.

He arrived at the Johnstone household at a time when he was particularly welcome to his host. Old Andrew had spent the early part of the afternoon arguing with his son upon certain hard points of doctrine. That a youth of Wee Andra's professions should presume to give any sort of an opinion whatever upon the Shorter Catechism was, in his father's eyes, nothing short of impious.

Methinks I have seen just such figures, when the sun has been shining through a richly painted window, and tracing out the golden and crimson images across the floor. But that was in the old land. Prithee, young one, who art thou, and what has ailed thy mother to bedizen thee in this strange fashion? Art thou a Christian child,—ha? Dost know thy catechism?

Boris lay back again, his hands clasped behind his neck The excitement of what he had just gone through was still quivering in him and impelling him to speak, dreamily, a little as if intoxicated. "Oh really, nobody thinks of that! what sort of people are you? I thought of it the moment you suggested that we go swimming; after all, we don't have the catechism in our bodies by way of a soul.

"Q. Does the Scripture anywhere command the Sunday to be kept for the Sabbath? But the Scriptures do not in particular mention this change of the Sabbath." In the "Doctrinal Catechism," we find further testimony to the same point: "Ques. Have you any other way of proving that the church has power to institute festivals of precept? "Ans.

"And I, Joey, do more; I fly from the wrath to come. You ask me what I intend to do; I will answer you in the words of the catechism which I used once to repeat, `to lead a new life, have a thankful remembrance of Christ's death, and be in charity with all men. I shall seek for service; I care not how humble it will be good enough.