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Dry twigs, you know. One size all the way down. Very little hair, and no emotions. If it weren't for the sake of cats, one would wonder why such people are born. But they're always cat-lovers. I suppose that's why they're so often called old cats." She uttered a little high-pitched laugh, and got up. "Don't be too long," she said to me carelessly as I opened the dining-room door for her.

In England it has long been the custom to register the pedigree of cats as carefully as dog-fanciers in this country do with their fancy pets. Queen Victoria, and the Princess of Wales, and indeed many members of the nobility are cat-lovers, and doubtless this fact influences the general sentiment in England. Among the most devoted of Pussy's English admirers is the Hon. Mrs.

Her feline grace and softness has inspired some of the greatest, and, from Tasso and Petrarch down, her quiet and dignified demeanor have been celebrated in verse. Mr. Swinburne, within a few years, has written a charming poem which was published in the Athenaeum, and which places the writer among the select inner circle of true cat-lovers. He calls his verses

His chief favorite, Fromentin, lived eleven years with him. Pierre Loti has written a charming and most touching history of two of his cats Moumette Blanche and Moumette Chinoise which all true cat-lovers should make a point of reading. Algernon Swinburne, the poet, is devoted to cats. His favorite is named Atossa. Robert Southey was an ardent lover of cats.