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Nevertheless, for the sake of official decency, and from certain wise remembrances of the sources of official comfort and official discomfort, Mr Butterwell had always maintained a show of outward friendship with the secretary. They smiled and were gracious, called each other Butterwell and Crosbie, and abstained from all cat-and-dog absurdities.

But they are our Allies, said my friend severely. The Germans, on the other hand, prefer dogs. I hope you are not a pro-German. On the cat-and-dog issue I am, and I don't care who knows it, I said recklessly. And I hate these attempts to drag in prejudice. Moreover, I would beg you to observe that it was a great Frenchman, none other than Pascal, who paid the highest of all tributes to the dog.

"We fight," Joan said with a short, horrible laugh one morning "we fight like cats and dogs. No, like two cats. A cat-and-dog fight is more quickly over. Some day we shall scratch each other's eyes out." "Have you no shame?" her mother cried. "I am burning with it. I am like St. Lawrence on his gridiron. 'Turn me over on the other side," she quoted.

"Do you like Joan Meredyth?" she said. "Splendid! What a clever little brain!" He shut his eyes. "I married Miss Joan Meredyth on the first of June, or was it the second, in the year nineteen hundred and eighteen? We lived a cat-and-dog existence, and parted with mutual recriminations, since when I have not seen her! Marjorie, do you think she will swallow it?"

But indifferent to logic. My sex has judgment; so when you, a female, display judgment, I, as a parent, am gratified. 'Cat-and-dog life' is a mild way of putting it; a quarrelsome home is hell, and hell is a poor place in which to bring up a child!

And as there was usually more or less of a cat-and-dog squabble between the boys and the public, with every one yelling at the top of his voice, it may be imagined that a telephone exchange was a loud and frantic place. Boys, as operators, proved to be most complete and consistent failures. Their sins of omission and commission would fill a book.

The wretch was just unrolling it, them, when he was caught." "That was Bertrand!" said Flame. "My Father's Lay Reader." It was the man's turn now to jump to his feet. "What?" he cried. "I sent him for the carving knife," said Flame. "What?" repeated the man. Consternation versus Hilarity went racing suddenly like a cat-and-dog combat across his eyes. "Yes," said Flame.

Ennui, before long, gave place to grumbling, and that to recrimination; and from what the others could not help hearing, through the boarded-up doors and the floor of the loft, Tom and his wife had a cat-and-dog time of it. Gard had moved over to Plaisance with great regret. But nothing else was possible under the altered circumstances at La Closerie, so he made the best of it.

When the police closed him up he sought employment with Gunst & Baumer, whose exchange affiliations precluded any suspicion of bucketing, but who, nevertheless, did a thriving business in curb securities of the cat-and-dog variety, and it was in this particular branch of the science of investment and speculation that Milton excelled.

Yet it was sufficient to cause the course of the frail steamboat to be altered yet a little more from south-west-by-south to south-by-west to give the breakers a still wider berth. 'I wish we had gone by land, sir; 'twould have been surer play, said Sol to Mountclere, a cat-and-dog friendship having arisen between them. 'Yes, said Mountclere.