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She sat down on the grass by the roadside, and leaned her head against the big white gate-post. The lantern burned steadily beside her, casting on the ground a shower of yellow spots that blurred into a widening circle of light. Except for the crickets all was still.

I yelled, springing down the poop ladder to the main deck and feverishly casting off the fore braces; "it is the only thing that we can do; we may lose our topmasts, but we must risk that. With our fore topsail aback we may perhaps be able to edge down upon and pick them up, otherwise we shall never set eyes upon them again."

He was, in truth, often casting about for the chances of his meeting on some fortunate day the predestined schoolmaster's wife: a lady altogether praiseworthy for carrying principles of sound government instead of magic. Consequently, susceptible to woman's graces though he knew himself to be, Lady Ormont's share of them hung in the abstract for him.

At the door the Montague girl called to an approaching group who seemed to have heard by wireless or occult means the report of new activity in the casting office. "Hurry, you troupers. You can eat to-morrow night, maybe!" They hurried. She turned to Merton Gill. "Seems like old times," she observed. "Does it?" he replied coldly.

Anselmo had taught it a great deal more, and when he asked it: "Little rat-king, what are your feelings for the king, the law, and the turnkeys?" the little animal would bow at every side, cross its front feet over its breast, and move its pointed nose as if it were murmuring prayers, at the same time casting its eyes to the floor.

It was all getting unmanageable and very hazy, when her mother gathered her into her arms, and quickly casting aside her two garments laid her gently in a bath of caressing warmth. A moment more and the little maiden lay like a rose-leaf in her bed.

On the way over she said to him: "I have about decided to go down to Velvet Springs for the rest of the month. Don't you think it is getting rather crowded here?" "I have been pretty well satisfied," he replied, in an injured tone. "I don't see why you should want to leave here." "Why should I stay if I am tired of the place?" she asked demurely, casting a roguish glance at his sombre face.

He ought to have remembered the warning given by his godfather, but he was so infatuated by the great beauty of the King's daughter, and the happiness of becoming her husband, that he flung all thought to the winds. He did not see that Death was casting angry glances on him, that he was raising his hand in the air, and threatening him with his withered fist.

He walked away toward the study, quite at his ease, humming a tune and casting sharp, appraising glances about him as though the thought of ownership were already in his mind. The door beyond the hall closed behind them. "What a hateful man!" cried Janet, almost in tears. "Poor Cousin Jasper! And we can't do anything to help him." Oliver, equally miserable, stood at the window.

And then Rosalie thought of her text, 'Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. "All your care," that means my care, thought the weary child, 'my own care. "All your care;" all all the care about losing my mammie, and about having to stay in this noisy house, and about having to go and act in that wicked theatre, and about having to take care of my locket and my letter.