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'Art thou only a beginner? said E23, labouring literally for the dear life, as he slid out of his body-wrappings and stood clear in the loin-cloth while Kim splashed in a noble caste-mark on the ash-smeared brow. 'But two days entered to the Game, brother, Kim replied. 'Smear more ash on the bosom.

It smote the offender between the eyebrows, leaving a caste-mark of warm ash to attest the accuracy of his aim. "Bull's eye!" Tara scored softly; and Roy, turning on his elbow, appealed to Broome. "Jeffers, please extinguish him!" Broome laughed. "I had a hazy notion he was your show candidate for the Indian Civil!" "He's supposed to be. That's the scandal of it.

Only when the inspection, passing the gradations of broad or narrow, thick or thin, bony or rounded, rested finally on the eyes, would the observer have caught again the caste-mark which stamped these men as belonging to a distinct order, and separated them essentially from other men in other occupations.

"They say the caste-mark in his forehead is a real diamond," remarked the Barrister. "I don't suppose it is, but at least it is a good imitation." Coryndon was not listening to him; he had gone close to the marble rails, and was lighting his little bunch of yellow tapers.

Now, however, the man was changed beyond all recognition. Caste-mark, stomach, slate-colored continuations, and unctuous speech were all gone. I looked at a withered skeleton, turbanless and almost naked, with long matted hair and deep-set codfish-eyes. But for a crescent-shaped scar on the left cheek the result of an accident for which I was responsible I should never have known him.

Strip strip swiftly, and shake thy hair over thine eyes while I scatter the ash. Now, a caste-mark on thy forehead. He drew from his bosom the little Survey paint-box and a cake of crimson lake.

Now, however, the man was changed beyond all recognition. Caste-mark, stomach, slate-colored continuations, and unctuous speech were all gone. I looked at a withered skeleton, turban-less and almost naked, with long matted hair and deep-set codfish-eyes. But for a crescent-shaped scar on the left cheek the result of an accident for which I was responsible I should never have known him.

They felt bored and homesick unless taken after tiger as beaters; and their cold-blooded daring all Wuddars shoot tigers on foot: it is their caste-mark made even the officers wonder.

Leaning forward, she took his head in her hands and kissed him between his eyebrows where the caste-mark should be. "Must it be October so soon?" she asked. He told her of Dyán, and she sighed. "Poor Dyán! I wonder? It is so difficult even with the best kind this mixing of English education and Indian life. I hope it will make no harm for those two "

On each side are small chocolate-colored heathens, in a sort of short chemises, silver-bangled as to their wrists and ankles, and already with the caste-mark on the foreheads of some of them, shy, demure younglings, just learning all the awful significance of the word Sahib, who have been brought from mysterious homes by fond ayahs, and smuggled in through back-stairs influence, or boldly introduced by the durwan under the glorifying patronage of that terrible Hastings Clive.