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He had little idea, as he left the Leader office that morning, that his assignment to get the story of the wreck was the beginning of a singular mystery. Larry cashed the order Mr. Emberg had given him, and hurried to the railroad station.

He was writing some hieroglyphics on the cashed check. "By Jove!" gasped the Lieutenant aloud, springing forward as he spoke, sweeping the coins into his hand, and bolting for the door. This was an action which would have awakened the most negligent cashier had he been in a trance. Automatically he whisked out a revolver which lay in an open drawer under his hand.

From New Orleans, a seaport, mind you! I am willing to make a good-sized bet that he's well on his way to his favorite Himalayas by this time, ready to meditate on the syllable 'Om' for the rest of his life. Oh, it's too good! How he must laugh in his sleeve at the rest of the world! But how did he get that check cashed?"

Ford gathered together what chips he felt certain were his, and cashed them in with a certain grim insistence of manner which brooked no argument. After that he left the saloon, with Jim close behind him. "If you're going back to camp now, I reckon I'll ride along," said Jim, at his elbow.

You have five minutes in which to cash it, before the bank closes. I'll tell you the story of it later. I haven't time now." The First National Bank was just around the corner, and three minutes later Mr. Harlowe walked in, accompanied by Grace and Eleanor, and cashed the check without any trouble.

"We thought we heard shootin' " began Galloway, staring in astonishment at the grotesque posture Rack Slimson had assumed the better to endure the ministrations of the bartender. "We heard shootin', all right," said Judge Dolan, his glance sweeping past Slimson and the bartender to the rear of the room. "What's happened, Racey?" queried Dolan, striding forward. "Both of 'em cashed?"

She had her cheque-book and would ask Sir William to tell her how to get a cheque cashed in London. She was ashamed of her own ignorance in these small practical matters. The motor stopped. Sir William jumped down, but before he came to open the door for her, she saw him turn round and wave his hand to two persons standing outside the station.

A man to whom I gave a check on my bankers not three months ago!" "But it war n't cashed." "What does that signify? the intention was the same. A good heart takes the will for the deed. Cox is a monster of ingratitude, and I withdraw my custom." "Sarve him right. Would your honour like a jarvey?" "I would rather spend the money on something else," said John Burley.

In revenge the prince immediately sent such an amount of paper to the bank to be cashed that it required four wagons to bring away the silver, and he had the meanness to loll out of the window of his hotel and jest and exult as it was trundled into his portecochere. This was the signal for other drains of like nature.

It was made out by me in favor of Death Valley Charley and they cashed it through your bank Virginia Huff, you know in payment for Paymaster stock. Well, if you're going to keep track of my business like that " "Oh, no, no," exclaimed Blount, suddenly remembering the means by which he had detected Wiley's purchase of Virginia's stock, "you misunderstand me, entirely.