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The young animal, therefore, receives in the form of caseine, which is distinguished from fibrine and albumen by its great solubility, and by not coagulating when heated, the chief constituent of the mother's blood.

But the milk of an animal recently calved is reserved for its young, and it is not until the time of weaning that the lacteal fluid is offered for human consumption. Thus it is that the nursling of a day receives milk many months old and heavily loaded with caseine.

Send him me down, or else a horn one, which I believes in desperate; but send me something before Tuesday, and I will send you P.O.O. Horn minnow looks like a gudgeon, which is the pure caseine. One pounder I caught to-day on the 'March brown' womited his wittles, which was rude, but instructive; and among worms was a gudgeon three inches long and more. Blow minnows gudgeon is the thing.

Here is some ivy of uncommon growth, but I have seen larger both at Beaumaris castle in North Wales, and at the abbey of Glastonbury in Somersetshire: but the great pines in the Caseine woods have, I suppose, no rival nearer than the Castagno a Cento Cavalli, mentioned by Mr. Brydone.

In the absence of the elements essential to these in the soil, starch, sugar and woody fibre, are perhaps formed; but no vegetable fibrine, albumen, or caseine.

This is my excuse for presenting to the French Society of Hygiene certain observations on this subject. Is woman's milk richer in fatty matters and sugar in proportion to the caseine than that of the cow? Is the affirmative, sustained by a large number of chemists, a mistake that ought to be corrected? Such is the question that needs to be answered.

Thus, in animal food, carbon predominates in fats, while in vegetable food it shows itself in sugar, starch, and vegetable oils. Nitrogen is found in animal food in the albumen, fibrin, and caseine; while in vegetables it is in gluten, albumen, and caseine.

These three nitrogenised compounds, vegetable fibrine, albumen, and caseine, are the true nitrogenised constituents of the food of graminivorous animals; all other nitrogenised compounds occurring in plants, are either rejected by animals, as in the case of the characteristic principles of poisonous and medicinal plants, or else they occur in the food in such very small proportion, that they cannot possibly contribute to the increase of mass in the animal body.

For woman's milk the proportions are as 100 to 122.72. In goat's milk the proportions are 100 to 173.09. In cow's milk it is as 100 to 289.20. "The conclusion is this: Caseine is not a food at all for the new born during a space of time, the duration of which is to be determined experimentally. "This substance is a harmful burden that interferes with the regular action of the digestive organs.

The mean composition of human milk for the first two months after delivery ought to be established. In chemistry, as in mathematics, figures alone are convincing. But from what has been said it is logical to conclude that an excess of caseine in milk is unfavorable to good digestion, while an excess of butter is favorable to it. Translated from Journal d'Hygiene, March 1, 1883.