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The guests, like the children they were, chased each other all over the house, up and down the stairs; the men hid under tables, only to have a sly hand break a cascaron on the back of their heads, and to receive a deluge down the spinal column. The bride chased her dignified groom out into the yard, and a dozen followed. Then Dario found his chance.

She shall marry the finest Englishman of them all." Elena threw a cascaron directly into Dario's mouth, and although the cologne scalded his throat, he heroically swallowed it, and revenged himself by covering her black locks with flour.

"We have had enough of this." "Very well," she said. She bent her head to lift a book which had fallen from a shelf, and felt the soft blow of the cascaron. "At last!" said Estenega, contentedly. "I was determined to conquer, if I waited until morning." Chonita looked vexed for a moment, she did not like to be vanquished, then shrugged her shoulders and leaned back in her chair.

While we were eating supper, a dozen Indian girls were gathered about a table in one of the large rooms behind the house, busily engaged in blowing out the contents of several hundred eggs and filling the hollowed shells with cologne, flour, tinsel, bright scraps of paper. Each egg-was then sealed with white wax, and ready for the cascaron frolic of the evening.

She was surrounded at one time by caballeros, but she whirled and doubled so swiftly that every cascaron flew afield. The pelting grew faster and more furious; every room was invaded; we chased each other up and down the corridors. The people in the court had their cascarones also, and the noise must have been heard at the Mission.

After supper they found eggs piled upon silver dishes in the sala, and with cries of "Cascaron! Cascaron!" they flung them at each other, the cologne and flour and tinsel with which the shells were filled deluging and decorating them. Doña Jacoba again was in a most gracious mood, and leaned against the wall, an amused smile on her strong serene face.