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The rich variety of the objects, the mellow outlines, the play of lights infinitely varying the aspect, the light vapors which envelop distant objects, all combine in charming the senses; and add to it, to increase our pleasure, the soft murmur of a cascade, the song of the nightingales, an agreeable music.

Towards half past six each evening came a "gasgacha" of bells a cascade of tumbling chimes, mounting from the city below and falling back chime on chime. After listening to them on the fourth day he said suddenly: "I'd like to be back in England, Mum, the sun's too hot." "Very well, darling. As soon as you're fit to travel." And at once he felt better, and meaner.

"I was needing a yarn. Nothing amiss at the post? You wanted me particular?" The smile in Steve's eyes deepened. "No. I was needing a yarn." The doctor's twinkling eyes searched the clearing. A fallen tree was sprawling near by, with its upper boughs helping to cascade the waters of the stream. He pointed at it. "Guess we don't need to wear our legs out." Steve laughed shortly.

At the head or northern extremity of the vale springs a cascade, called, for the darkness of its color, the Black Torrent.

It is scarcely necessary to say that in this curiously shaped fissure the Hansbach had become a cascade to the detriment of its size. It was still, however, sufficient, and more, for our wants. Besides we knew that, as soon as the declivity ceased to be so abrupt, the stream must resume its peaceful course.

He assisted her through the marginal underwood and down to the stones. They walked on together to a tiny cascade about a foot wide and high, and sat down beside it on the flags that for nine months in the year were submerged beneath a gushing bourne.

The volcano to its very summit and the surrounding rocks were still covered with the unsullied mantle of snow that had fallen while the atmosphere was still to some extent charged with vapor; but on the north side the snow had given place to the cascade of fiery lava, which, making its way down the sloping rocks as far as the vaulted opening of the central cavern, fell thence perpendicularly into the sea.

Here it was the shade, and there the light; further on, the importunate murmur of the cascade, or the persisting song of the nightingale over our heads, that turned into bitterness all this exuberance of joy, and made it odious in our eyes.

This evening pleasure paid me for the toil of my hard day." Monsieur gave magnificent fetes to the Court at St. Cloud, added to the palace with great splendor, and caused the great cascade, which Jerome Gondi had made, to be enlarged and embellished by Mansart. It was at St.

Gregory poured into the gap like a great cascade, and we had a discourse on the origins of the Wagnerian librettos. After it was over and we were trying to banish the subject from our minds, I sent the other two out for a walk this had been agreed upon previously and prepared to face the music alone.