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These articles provided for the better publication of the charters, and the appointment in every shire of a commission to punish all offences against them which were not already provided for by the common law; together with numerous technical clauses "for the relief of the grievances that the people have had by reason of the wars that have been, and for the amendment of their estate, and that they may be more ready in the king's service and more willing to aid him when he has need of them ". This document was known as Articuli super cartas.

Basle and Berlin, 1777. 3 vols. 8vo. The author of these letters, one of the celebrated family of mathematicians of that name, has borrowed the greater part of his work that relates to natural history from a Spanish work, entitled, "Cartas familiares del Abbatè Juan Andres," of which there is an edition published in Madrid, in 6 vols. small 4to.

Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Siete Cartas escritas al Rey, Anos de 1565 y 1566, MSS. These are the despatches of the Adelantado Menendez to Philip the Second. They were procured for the writer, together with other documents, from the archives of Seville, and their contents are now for the first time made public.

In such cases it should be remembered that despatches and other official documents were often sent in duplicate sometimes in triplicate, or even quadruplicate, and by different vessels, to ensure that at least one copy should reach its destination. "Patronato, Audiencia de Filipinas Cartas de los gobernadores."

DOÑA MATILDE. Pierda usted cuidado ... una muda o dos cuando más, con las cartas que usted me ha escrito, el retrato de Atala, la sortija de alianza, y la rosa que usted me dió en el primer rigodón que bailamos juntos, y que conservo en polvo, envuelta en un papel de seda; esto es todo lo que pienso llevar. DON EDUARDO. Ni necesita usted más. Adiós otra vez. DOÑA MATILDE. Adiós ... Bruno.

The commons demanded a fresh confirmation of the charters; the punishment of the royal ministers who had infringed them, or the Articuli super cartas of the previous session, and the completion of the proposed disafforestments. In addition, the prelates declared that they could not assent to any tax being imposed upon the clergy contrary to the papal prohibition.