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She drawed in her arm an' took holt of the bunnit with her left hand, an' fust she pulled off one thing an' dropped it on the floor, fur off as she c'd reach, an' then another, an' then another, an' then, by gum! she went at it with both hands jest as fast as she could work 'em, an' in less time 'n I'm tellin' it to ye she picked the thing cleaner 'n any chicken you ever see, an' when she got down to the carkis she squeezed it up between her two hands, give it a wring an' a twist like it was a wet dish towel, an' flung it slap in my face.

He'll blow your carkis to hell, an' charge the devil freightage for doin' it." There was a look of agreement in the eyes that watched Scipio's mild face. There was more: there was sympathy and pity for him, feelings in these men for which there was no other means of expression. But Scipio was unmoved from his purpose. His underlip protruded obstinately.

This is wot I wus thinkin'. I'll git right up to his shack, an' I'll call him every son-of-a I ken think of. See? He'll git riled, an' wal, I owe her a debt o' gratitood, an' I can't never pay it no other ways, so I'll jest see my slug finds his carkis right, 'fore he does me in." Arizona stepped back with an air of triumph. He could see no flaw in his plan. It was splendid, subtle.

But I swar to Gawd ef I'm pollutin' this airth on the day as sees Jake worritin' Miss Dianny, I'll perf'rate him till y' can't tell his dog-gone carkis from a parlor cinder-sifter." "Tell me how I can help, and count me in to the limit," said Tresler, catching, in his eagerness, something of the other's manner of expression.

Looking back at it after all these years, I can believe what Brother Cartwright said himself that night, that it wasn't natcheral cussing and some higher power, like a demon or a evil sperrit, must of entered into Hank's human carkis and give that turrible eloquence to his remarks. It busted out every few minutes, and the women would put their fingers into their ears till a spell was over.

"Cut it out, Barney," cried the lantern-faced owner of the fiery red hair. "Anyways a sight o' my hair 'ud be more encouragin' than your ugly 'map. Seems to me, bein' familiar with my hair 'll make the fires of hell, you'll likely see later, come easier to you when they git busy fumigatin' your carkis." "Gee! that's an elegant word," cried Hoosier Pete, a stripling of youthful elderliness.

You're jest a lazy, loafin', dirty bum as 'ud make mud out of a fifty-gallon bath o' boilin' soapsuds if you was set in it, but you was mighty sore seein' pore Zip kicked to death by his rotten luck. An' feelin' that always you kind o' fergot to be tired. That's why you're on this doggone trail. 'Cos your fool heart ain't as dirty as your carkis."

Say" his piercing eyes seemed to bore their way right down to the little man's heart like red-hot needles "I ain't got a word to say to you but you orter be herdin' wi' a crowd o' mangy gophers. Tchah! A crowd o' maggots 'ud cut you off'n their visitin' list in a diseased carkis.

"Honest why, curse your carkis, who are you to talk o' honesty? d'ye know as you're liable to be took by any o' these honest uns took an' appre'ended as my accomplice afore an' arter the fact d'ye know that?" "God help me!" I ejaculated, in agonised dismay. "Oh, heaven help me!" "Let's 'ope so!" he nodded grimly.

I'm a man of peace, as all knows in this yer city, but I'd hate to try an' shut out a blizzard in winter by stuffin' that gopher's perforated carkis under the doorjamb when I was thro' with it. I say right here we're out to save carkises I mean souls. An', say, fellers, jest think. Gettin' your souls saved for a few measly cents. Ain't that elegant?