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He felt like saying something especially kind and caressing to this little, sleepy man, and he already loved him as he had never loved anyone in his life. "You don't seem to sit comfortably, my dear man. Move over here, to me." Yanson was silent for awhile, then he replied: "Well, thank you. I'm sitting all right. Are they going to hang you too?"

At length he reached out and touched the writing with a caressing finger. "Kitty Kitty, how great you are!" he said. Then as he turned to the outer door a softness came into his face, stole up into his brilliant eyes and dimmed them with a tear. "What a hand to hold in the dark the dark of life !" he said aloud.

Neither of them were every-day sights around the corridors of the New York Hotel: even among a collection of human oddities representing every State in the South. "We thought it best to take the night train, my son," said Richard, starting up at Oliver's caressing touch he had put both hands on his father's shoulders. "You got your dear mother's letter of course. Oh, I'm so glad to see you!

He stopped, looked a moment at the flushed curve of Arlee's averted face, the droop of her shadowy lashes which veiled the confusion and anger of her spirit, and then, leaning forward, his eyes still upon her, he spoke in a lower, softer tone, caressing in its inflections. "With us it is not so," he said. "We have dignity in our rejoicing, and delicacy in our love.

In fact, I never saw anything so red in my life." "I do not see why you complain of my tie," said the visitor. "Your own is just as bad." "Blue is never so withering as red," I retorted, at the same time caressing the scarf I wore. "Perhaps not but ah if you will look in the glass, Hiram, you will observe that your point is not well taken," said my vis-a-vis, calmly.

Her manner was grave and tender; her eyes had tears in them; and although her usual habits were not caressing, she came to Mary and put her arms around her and kissed her. It was an unusual manner, and Mary's gentle eyes seemed to ask the reason of it.

Her father, when he was by, was rather a caressing parent; but he was very easy led away by his affairs and pleasures, neglected her without compunction or remark, spent his nights in taverns when he had the money, which was more often than I could at all account for; and even in the course of these few days, failed once to come to a meal, which Catriona and I were at last compelled to partake of without him.

In the month that followed an imperceptible change crept over the three. The older woman was much alone variable as an April day, now merry and caressing, now sombre and withdrawn. The girl clung to her mother more closely, sat for long minutes holding her hand, threw strange glances at her betrothed that would have startled him, so different were they from her old, steady regard, had not his now troubled sense of some impalpable mist that wrapped them all grown stronger every day. He avoided sitting alone with her, wondering sometimes at the ease with which such tête-

Then she said, gravely, "I must tell you all about myself now, Ross, so you shall never be able to reproach me with having given you pain. No matter, dear: it was, true," she said in answer to his caressing protest, "and I feel the hurt through you. I am your wife.

At nine o'clock the next morning Traverse went to the library to keep his tryst with Colonel Le Noir. Seated in the doctor's leathern chair, with his head thrown back, his nose erect and his white and jeweled hand caressing his mustached chin, the colonel awaited the young man's communication.