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'O no a woman who attempts a public career must expect to be treated as public property: what would be an intrusion on a domiciled gentlewoman is a tribute to me.

I think it is an exceedingly foolish enterprise. It would interrupt the career that I have marked out for you." "Well, then, here's a cheaper proposition. Algy Vanderhoof wants me to join him on his yacht with well, with a little party to cruise in the West Indies. Would you prefer that?" "Certainly not!

Even now, after the long gap of years and the knowledge of his downfall, that great man casts his spell upon you, but all that you read and all that you hear cannot give you an idea of what his name meant in the days when he was at the summit of his career. What actually met my eye was very different from this childish expectation of mine.

Supposing it possible that a girl of that age could love him, what had he to offer her? A share in a career that might well prove desperate a career to be brought to a sudden and swift close, very probably by his own death at the hands of his successful enemies in Gloria!

"I suppose I find the same excitement and adventure in research that other men find in politics, or war, or making money." "Adventure?" she said, puzzled. "I shouldn't have supposed research an adventurous career, exactly." "No; not from the outside." His hidden gaze shifted to sweep the far distances.

"One always recognises his speeches," admitted Gerty, "there's a stamp on them, I suppose, for somehow he himself is great even if his career isn't and, after all," she concluded seriously, "it is what shall I call it the personal quantity that he insists on."

In a few minutes the Colonel knew the main outlines of Bob's career. "I should have advised him to join one of the Public School Corps," said the Captain, "but in that case he would have been months before he could have gone into active service. You see he's as keen as mustard to be at the front, and remembering my last conversation with you, I thought I'd bring him down.

"Seldom in my long career at the bar," began the Home Secretary in his best oratorical manner, "have I examined a record so utterly discreditable as that of the deceased man." Here he advanced a few instances which surprised even T. X. "The men was a lunatic," continued the Home Secretary, "a vicious, evil man who loved cruelty for cruelty's sake.

'Don't you know how kindly your uncle meant? Don't you know how happy we have been? 'You may forgive. You are his mother, and you were injured, but I can never forget what I have seen you undergo. 'You foolish boy, to forget all our happiness 'Nor, proceeded James, 'can I consent to forego the career of usefulness that has been opened to me.

But we who have to consider his career in all its bearings, and to discover, as it were, behind his public and private acts, the true man, cannot afford to pass over so lightly passages that are in a very special degree indicative of the man's character and temperament.