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Calcium may be present in other compounds, especially in silicates, which are the most abundant compounds in the soil and in the earth's crust; and, as indicated by the ending -ate, oxygen is contained in calcium silicate as well as in calcium carbonate." "I see; the subject is much more complicated than I thought."

Twenty seconds later the telegraph operator at the lonely little way station of Tierra Blanca saw a heroic bit of man-play. The upward-bound Carbonate train was whistling in the gorge below when out of the snow-wreaths shrouding the new line a big engine shot down to stop with fire grinding from the wheels, and a man dropped from the high cab to dash across to the station platform.

Not only is this the case, but even when animal remains have been safely imbedded, certain natural agents may wholly destroy and remove them. Almost all the hard parts of animals the bones and so on are composed chiefly of phosphate of lime and carbonate of lime. Some years ago, I had to make an inquiry into the nature of some very curious fossils sent to me from the North of Scotland.

This reacts with the oxalic acid, setting free carbonic acid, which, in turn, forms sodium bicarbonate with the remaining carbonate: H CO + Na CO > 2HNaCO . If, however, the solution is heated to boiling, the bicarbonate loses carbon dioxide and water, and reverts to sodium carbonate, which causes the indicator to become again pink: 2HNaCO > H O + CO + Na CO .

The world knows nothing of this Samuel Hopkins, but the potash industry, which was evidently on his mind, was quite important in his day. Potash, that is, crude potassium carbonate, useful in making soap and in the manufacture of glass, was made by leaching wood ashes and boiling down the lye.

This condition characterizes thrombosis. Treatment. In these cases, little if any good directly results from any sort of treatment in the way of medication. Absolute rest is thought to be helpful. Potassium iodid, alkaline agents such as ammonium carbonate and potassium carbonate, have been administered.

Guided by the experiments of Fourcroy and Vauquelin on the juice of the hevea, I mixed a solution of carbonate of soda with the milk of the papaw. No clot is formed, even when pure water is poured on a mixture of the milk with the alkaline solution. The membranes appear only when, by adding an acid, the soda is neutralized, and the acid is in excess.

The result is the formation of deposits, chiefly of lime carbonate and lime phosphate; fatty deposits are also common. In order to live long and comfortably it would be well to reduce the starch intake to once a day. The meats also are objectionable when taken in excess. To them can be attributed the chief blame for the formation of gelatinous deposits in the body.

A most singular rock; basis purplish grey, obscurely crystalline, easily fusible into a dark green glass, not hard, thickly speckled with crystals more or less perfect of white carbonate of lime, of red hydrous oxide of iron, of a white and transparent mineral like analcime, and of a green opaque mineral like soap-stone; the basis is moreover amygdaloidal with many spherical balls of white crystallised carbonate of lime, of which some are coated with the red oxide of iron.

I will take some lime-water, and I will blow through; my breath contains carbonic acid, and you will see the clear liquid become milky owing to separation of insoluble carbonate of lime, or chalk. I now continue blowing, and at length that chalk dissolves with the excess of carbonic acid, forming bicarbonate of lime.