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I've had caravaners here before." "We will," said Mary, "I promise" seeing as she spoke the necessity of a new official being appointed at once: the Remover of Camp Litter. "I said the other day," continued the farmer, "that never again would I let a caravan into my fields, didn't I, Bet? And how can I go back on that?" "You did say it," said Mrs.

She quickly undressed and bathed, her teeth chattering with the cold, but before the caravaners were awake was back in camp, gathering wood for the fire. Her activities, furtive as they were, awakened Markham, who sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Hello!" he said. "Haven't you been asleep?" For reply she pointed silently through the tree trunks to the rosy East.

The eight acres: that's what she meant to say, bless her old heart!" "Well," said Janet, "that's a very nice start. It would have been horrid if the first farmer had been crusty." "Ah," said Mary Rotheram, "but you should see his wife! It was she who did it for us really. Perhaps after dinner we might walk up there to thank her." After dinner! How recklessly young caravaners can talk.

Their offensiveness went no further than this, however, and in a moment Markham made out the bulk of a roulette in the shadows of the wood, the shaggy specter of a horse, a camp-fire, and a party of caravaners.

The actors were professionals who had been well drilled in their parts and the plot developed quickly in the dialogue between Madeleine, the erring wife, and Aristide, the recreant husband, who had fled from fashionable Paris, met upon the road and joined this troupe of Caravaners that they might taste life together in rural simplicity and security.

But there were none of these things for them. Indeed, caravaners very soon get out of the habit of making plans at all. It is all too uncertain. The only things that really are certain are work and delay. They got no nearer to Blenheim than to peer through its gates and to recite, very imperfectly, the verses about old Caspar's work and little Wilhelmine.

So Luigi was dispatched on the gray horse to the town for Clarissa and the pack, but not until Philidor had privily given him some instructions and a piece of money which opened his sleepy eyes a trifle wider and increased the dimension of his smile. When he returned later with both animals laden with packages deep was the joy and great the astonishment of the caravaners.