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What was worse, it was impossible to get them to pull together up the inclined planes we cut, except by placing a man at the head of each of the six, eight, or ten in a team, and simultaneously screwing round their tails; when one tortured animal sometimes capsizes the vehicle.

Capsizes in the daytime we did not mind, but at night numbers of grey sharks were always cruising around, and they were then especially savage and daring.

A tyranny capsizes, and the lordly Dionysius is discovered teaching Corinthian children their alphabet. Mi. You tell me, cock, that you have been a king yourself: now how did you find the life? I expect you had a pleasant time of it, living on the very fat of the land? Cock. Do not remind me of that miserable existence. A pleasant time!

"I am glad she is not on my side; she is capable of ruining an excellent cause. The day Lavinia gets into your boat it capsizes. But she had better be careful," said the Doctor. "I will have no treason in my house!" "I suspect she will be careful; for she is at bottom very much afraid of you." "They are both afraid of me harmless as I am!" the Doctor answered.

After the very first shot at a head fifty yards away, the canoe suddenly gives a great lurch and as nearly as possible capsizes. Another great beast had evidently chosen that moment to come up just under it and if we had not been a heavy load, would undoubtedly have thrown it high in the air.

However, this did not convince them and Europeans who have had accidents on the river say, that although the whole crew, who all swim like fishes, go to the assistance of the white man when a canoe capsizes, not one will take the trouble to rescue the baggage.

Might ha rose to the quarter-deck just the sort; got a way with him and that. Only one fault, sir the sailor's failin." "What's that?" "Too lovin by fur.... "It's generally always his one fault capsizes a man," the seaman continued. "And so it were with poor old Bert he warn't Black at that time o day, yo'll understand." "What's the rights o that yarn, Reube?" grumbled a deep voice.

After all, if you haven't the brains or the inclination to work, it is something to have the nibs. These nibs, however, were put to better uses. There is a game you can play with them; you flick your nib against the other boy's nib, and if a lucky shot puts the head of yours under his, then a sharp tap capsizes him, and you have a hundred and one in your collection.

In such a place we come to another rapid. Two of the boats run it perforce. One succeeds in landing, but there is no foothold by which to make a portage and she is pushed out again into the stream. The next minute a great reflex wave fills the open compartment; she is water-logged, and drifts unmanageable. Breaker after breaker rolls over her and one capsizes her.

But I must get up and get you something to eat. You must eat. I brought you up when you were a little one," her voice capsizes "I've given up all for you, and you treat me as if I were an adventuress." I hear the sound of her skinny feet as she plants them successively on the floor, like two boxes. She is seeking her things, scattered over the bed or slipped to the floor; she is swallowing sobs.