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Y aunque las palabras y razones y autoridades de doctores con que el autor procede, no sean en malas; pero piden auditorio muy pio, muy docto y muy atento para no tomar de aquí ocasion á tener en poco nuestra Biblia latina, y errar.... Mas no todas las verdades se han de sacar á plaza, ni todos los oyentes son capaces dellas; y por doctrina suelen sacar errores y escándalo, y tal es esto: porque el oficio del teólogo en públicas lecciones no era desnudar sino vestir cuanto pudiese la edicion que el concilio aprueba, y no dejarla tan en los huesos como la deja, que es todo lo posible sin ser hereje, ni tener nota de error, temeridad ó sospecha en la fe, ni ser proposiciones escandalosas.

In short, they are not 'capaces imperii. The want of these qualities and of leaders will very soon undermine their hold upon the country, always a slight one, and, assisted by a few other pushing men, I anticipate, by carefully playing into the hands of the Irish party which will really rule England in the future, being able, as one of the leaders of the Opposition, to consummate their downfall.

The religion of the Bedouins, as the Sire de Joinville reports, amongst other things, enjoined a belief that the soul of him amongst them who died for his prince, went into another body more happy, more beautiful, and more robust than the former; by which means they much more willingly ventured their lives: "In ferrum mens prona viris, animaeque capaces Mortis, et ignavum est rediturae parcere vitae."

Self-made statesmen, scions of fallen dynasties, ex-premiers, and ministers, who formerly swayed the fortunes of the world, whom one might have imagined capaces imperii nisi imperassent, were now the unnoticed inmates of unpretending hotels.

They resemble in disposition and situation those conquerors whom the poet Lucan mentions: "Populi quos despicit Arctos, Felices errore suo, quos ille timorum Maximus haud urget leti metus, inde ruendi In ferrum, mens prona viris, amimaeque capaces, Mortis et ignavum rediturae parsere vitae."