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Cantelopes are American melons, small and of sickly appearance, but of good vitality and unearthly freshness within, a joy to the hot-stomached foreigner. Behold also, his Grace eateth the cantelope and hath a cheerful countenance. Claudius sat down at the table, looking rather gloomy. "I want you to give me an introduction to the English Ambassador in Petersburg.

"I can't say when I've et a cantelope but, Oh Lord, I has a hankerin' for eggs! I tell Jackson the next time he ships he's gotta take me along, for I want to git out where I can git my mitt on a pair of eggs." "We became quite surfeited with eggs, Phidias and I," observed Mrs. Symes with an air of ennui. Mrs. Jackson blinked.

Jackson could not truthfully say that she ever had felt that she had exhausted Crowheart, but she agreed weakly "Uh-huh." "I had so many new and delightful experiences, too." Mrs. Symes smiled a sweetly reminiscent smile. "You musta had." "Going out in the train we had cantelope with cracked ice in it. You must try it sometimes, Mrs. Jackson it's delicious."

"Tell me all about it," said the Duke, who recovered his equanimity, and plunged a knife into a fresh cantelope at the same moment. "Very well. I saw your friend, Mr. Horace Bellingham, this morning, and he told me all about the Countess's troubles. In fact, they are in the newspapers by this time, but I had not read about them.

Cut out a small piece or plug about an inch square, and through it extract all the seeds, &c. from the middle. Then, return the plugs to the hole from whence you took them, and secure them with a needle and thread, or by tying a small string round the cantelope. Lay the cantelopes for four or five hours in salt and water.

Vast forests of primeval pine slope to the very shores of the lake, to which descend great droves of bears brown, green, and bear-coloured while as the shades of evening fall, the air is loud with the lowing of moose, cariboo, antelope, cantelope, musk-oxes, musk-rats, and other graminivorous mammalia of the forest.

But the fact is, peaches can't travel, unless they are plucked so early as nearly to spoil them of all their "deliciarunz," which we are enjoying in those we eat here. And Bryant with us, fruity fellow that he is! I am glad we have some good fruit to give him. Yesterday we had a very good cantelope, and pears are on hand all the while.