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'I haven't made up my mind about you, Brandt, he announced. 'You may be a fool or a knave or a good man. If you are a knave, we will shoot you. 'And if I am a fool? I asked. 'Send you to the Yser or the Dvina. You will be respectable cannon-fodder. 'You cannot do that unless I consent, I said. 'Can't we? he said, smiling wickedly. 'Remember you are a citizen of nowhere.

The ruling classes who enslave, despise and exploit you in times of peace desire now to misuse you as cannon-fodder. From all sides the cry must ring in the ears of those in authority: We don't want war! Down with war! "Long live international brotherhood! "Berlin, July 25th, 1914. "The Leaders of the Party."

He smiled with good-natured contempt at the "Kitcheners" who were beginning to flood the old cathedral city with an ever-growing tide of khaki, and who brought him and all his fellow-tradesmen in Witanbury such increased prosperity. "Fine cannon-fodder!" Mr. Head would exclaim, of course in German.

"Aber what a heat, what a heat!" The brass-buttoned hotel porter, a-sprawl in a wicker chair in the hall, lowered his newspaper and looked up over his silver spectacles. He was comfortably unbuttoned here and there, and had omitted to shave that morning, for this was July, 1916, and since the war had turned Switzerland's tourists into Europe's cannon-fodder, he had run somewhat to seed.

While we were discussing the situation, in hurried Yougourieff, one of the Russian officers attached to the Legation, and superintending the Military Cadet School financed by Russia, who, though she was no longer supporting Nikola, was actively training young Montenegrins as cannon-fodder. He stopped short on seeing me; hesitated; said something in Russian. Seeing I was de trop, I rose to go.

This holding back on his part had been the thing that had tortured Nan more than anything else during the long years of the war, in spite of the reasons he had offered in explanation, not least of which was the indispensability of his services at Whitehall in which he genuinely believed. "It's simply a choice between using brains or brawn as cannon-fodder," he used to say.

The plain people of the German Empire did not desire to harm their fellows, nevertheless, they furnished the cannon-fodder for the Great War. America's plain folks, by merely following the doctrine, "My country, right or wrong America first!" will find themselves, at no very distant date, exactly where the German people found themselves in 1914. The Price

During the war they not only promised you independence, but they incited your merchants, your teachers, and your priests to demand the land of the Turkish peasants in order to keep up an eternal conflict between the Armenian and Turkish peoples, so that they could eternally derive profits out of this conflict, for as long as strife prevails between you and the Turks, just so long will the English, French, and American capitalists be able to hold Turkey in check through the menace of an Armenian uprising and to use the Armenians as cannon-fodder through the menace of a pogrom by Kurds.

As a last resort Germany is sending her remaining Hun to attack the Chinese. What they can hope to achieve by so prodigal a waste of "cannon-fodder" is difficult to see. Rumania. There is no news on the Rumanian Front. It is thought that there is nobody there. Palestine. In Palestine both sides have withdrawn their troops and the battle is proceeding without them.

The rank and file of its members are ignorant and emotional and are thus almost ideal cannon-fodder for the bogus reformers who operate upon the proletariat, but they are held back by their clergy, to whose superior interest in genuine religion is added a centuries-old heritage of worldly wisdom.