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And all I ask is a chance, with a rifle-butt, at the skull of the Hun who downs him!" "Downs Bruce?" queried Vivier in fine scorn. "The boche he is no borned who can do it. Bruce has what you call it, in Ainglish, the 'charm life. He go safe, where other caniche be pepper-potted full of holes. I've watch heem. I know."

"One of the best stories I have heard of the sagacity of a dog," remarked a lady, "was the account of Caniche, which, if not familiar to you, is well worth repeating." Mr. Lee begged her to favor the company with the story, when she began. "Once upon a time, Dumont, a tradesman of the Rue St.

Anxiety for the fate of a purse full of gold Napoleons of forty francs each gave redoubled quickness to his steps. "Caniche, having a good start, ran full speed to her master's house, where the stranger arrived a moment afterward, breathless and enraged. He accused the dog of robbing him.

"When the two had proceeded some distance from the spot, M. Dumont said to his dog that he had lost something, and ordered him to seek it. Caniche immediately turned back, and her master and companion pursued their walk to the Rue St. Denis.

"Meanwhile, a traveller, who happened to be just then returning in a small chaise from Vincennes, perceived the piece of money which his horse had kicked from its hiding place. He alighted, took it up, and drove to his inn. "Caniche, after a careful search, had just reached the spot in pursuit of the lost piece, when the stranger picked it up.

I could fill a volume with stories about these cats. Don't worry. I shall not. You ask me if I have a dog. Yes, a big black Caniche named Dick, a good watch-dog, but too fond of playing.

Bernard's. In brief, this dog, who caused Kitty Silver so much disquietude, as she sat upon the back steps at Mr. Atwater's, belonged to that species of which no Frenchman ever sees a specimen without smiling and murmuring: "Caniche!" He was that golden-hearted little clown of all the world, a French Poodle. To arrive at what underlay Mrs.

No sooner had he pulled off his pantaloons than they were seized by the dog: the owner, conceiving that she wanted to play with them, took them away again. The animal then began to bark at the door, which the traveller opened, under the idea that the dog wanted to go out. Caniche snatched up the pantaloons, and away she flew, the traveller posting after her, dressed only in his night shirt.