United States or Kyrgyzstan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is a fortunate circumstance that, in this copy, almost the whole history of the Bill can be read. In spite of cancellations and interlineations, the original words can easily be distinguished from those which were inserted in the committee or on the report.

France is also to receive annually for three years 35,000 tons of benzol, 60,000 tons of coal tar, and 30,000 tons of sulphate of ammonia. In the event of such postponements or cancellations "the coal to replace coal from destroyed mines shall receive priority over other deliveries."

Then began to arrive inquiries from country banks and cancellations from country subscribers. Wimperley read them out as they came in, and, well informed though he was of the wide distribution of Consolidated stock, experienced a slow amazement at the broad range of his followers. Their messages were indignant, despairing, threatening and pathetic.

Honeywell is blind," said Bertram, "how could he see to erase the cancellations?" "Ah! That's what I asked myself. Obviously, he couldn't. He'd have to get that done for him. Presumably he'd get some stranger to do it. That's why I advertised for a professional eraser who was experienced, judging that it would fetch the person who had done Honeywell's work."

Honeywell, apparently with no thought that there was anything strange in erasing cancellations from hundreds of envelopes for Honeywell was cautious enough not to confine her to the Robinson mail alone and then pasting on stamps to remail them." "You appear to have followed out my moves with some degree of acumen, Mr. er Jones," said the blind schemer suavely.

"It's five-thirty now," he muttered, turning briskly in still another direction, "let me have your ticket, we'll have to try for a section it's pretty late, but there may be cancellations!" "Oh, but see, Wolf ! I've been here since half-past four. I've got the A drawing-room in Car 131 " She brought forth an official-looking envelope, and flashed a flimsy bit of coloured paper.

Until to- night I never knew why it was that he took hold of what seemed to me a big business in his predecessor's territory and doubled it the second year. His success was the triumph of common honesty, and we all shall try his plan, for honesty is right, and nothing beats the right. "When the vote was taken the second time, every man at the table stood up." "Do I like cancellations?

"'The society editor of The Evening Sun was kept busy at her telephone today, receiving notices of cancellations of bridge parties scheduled for the remainder of the week. Eight frantic hostesses, terrified by Hamilton's second murder at bridge Oh, that's simply a crime! The newspapers deliberately work up mob hysteria and then " "I'd rather not play bridge for a while myself!"

There were daubs and erasures made across these documents, and across one was written twice over the word "paid." All these evidences of payments and cancellations appeared on examination to be in the handwriting of the Professor. After an inquest lasting nine days the coroner's jury declared the remains found in the college to be those of Dr.

"If the city is saved from a regular pestilence, it'll be the Clarion's' doing." "That doesn't seem to be the opinion of the business men of the place," said Hal, with a rather dreary smile. He had just been going over with the lugubrious Shearson a batch of advertising cancellations. "Oh, don't look for any credit from this town," retorted the health officer.