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The two streets they had just traversed had been lined for the most part with big warehouses and slave-markets. It was, in fact, the business part of the town, alive with people during the day, deserted at night. But now a crisis was at hand. Canaris halted his little party in the shadow of a building and pointed straight up the street. "Yonder lies the main avenue," he said.

He pointed into the gorge, and Guy, glancing down, saw torches flaring against the rocky walls, revealing in their glow dark, swiftly-moving figures, and weird shadows dancing on the waters of the torrent. Canaris observed Guy's expression of alarm, for he said calmly: "Don't fear. We are perfectly safe; try and sleep some; you need rest badly."

If we can get over the ridge we may escape. I don't think they will attack us." In a moment more they reached the crest of the slope. The lions were still down by the pool. "Look," exclaimed Canaris, pointing to the right. "Do you see those rocks! We must make a run for them." The spot referred to was a dim mass rising out of the plain some fifty yards distant.

Without food we can make no use of the river, and escape in any other way is equally impossible." Canaris threw himself on the ground and buried his face in his hands. Guy stood in silence, his face stern and set, a silence that remained unbroken for five minutes.

It may prove of use; but the raft, I think, will be safer for us to travel on. And now let us set about the task without losing any time. The transportation of the raft will be a difficult and arduous undertaking." "The first thing in order is to get Bildad to the top of the cliff," said Canaris.

Waken the rest as quickly as possible, and send some one up with a torch. I forgot to bring one with me." From his gloomy perch on top of the rock Guy could see all that happened plainly. Canaris woke his companions as speedily as possible. Their astonishment at finding Guy missing was very great, and at first they seemed scarcely able to comprehend the Greek's explanation.

They were paddling close along the right shore when a sudden cry from Canaris, who was almost abreast of the other boat, and farther out in the current, attracted general attention, and peering out on the river they saw a dim object some yards away.

Close at hand was the termination of the street, and as they were within ten yards of it a big Somali suddenly leaped out and barred the way. The fugitives were going at a rate of speed which it was simply impossible to check. Canaris was a foot in advance, and in an instant more he would have impaled himself on the savage's outpointed spear.

That it would come quickly no one could doubt, for the rabble of Somalis who had led the chase through the market-place had by this time reached the gates with the tidings of the fugitives' escape over the wall. Canaris took a bag and a rifle and Guy followed his example.

"Is he dead?" asked Guy in a horrified whisper. "Only stunned," replied Canaris. "I struck him with the butt of my revolver. Quick now; bind and gag him while I find the key and open the gate." Guy hastily fastened the fellow's feet and arms and stuffed a roll of linen in his mouth. Melton stood looking on. His wound was beginning to give him some pain again.