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For Johnson's father is only a canal-carrier, and Weston is a fellow of good family. He is so very clever! And I have such a habit of turning my pockets inside out for everybody to see, that I admire his reticence; and then, though he is so ironical with himself, as well as other people, he has very fine ideas and ambitions and very noble and upright principles when you know him well.

But Johnson Major had get a new sky-blue shirt and cap, and we did not like Rupert to be outdone by him, for Johnson's father is only a canal-carrier. But the shirt emptied our pockets, and made the old cap look worse than ever.

But the utmost I could tell him about my father was nothing to the tales he told me about his grandfather, the navy captain. The Johnsons were very fond of their father, he was such a good, kind man; but I think they would have been glad if he had had a profession instead of being a canal-carrier, and I am sure it pleased them to think that Mrs.

But Henrietta understood better, and she would not let Rupert do that battle any more. Rupert's friends were very kind to him when he was ill, but the kindest of all was Thomas Johnson. Johnson's grandfather was a canal-carrier, and made a good deal of money, and Johnson's father got the money and went on with the business.