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After I had told it, Bro. E. E. Byrum got up and said, "I can interpret the brother's dream: We were dealing with this brother and sister until two o'clock this morning, and we found it to be an ungodly spirit and doctrine. I warn everyone to stay away from it." The couple left us and never came back again. Brother George W. Green and I once came from Pit, a little town in northern Minnesota.

We also had a wonderful camp meeting in seeing scores of souls saved and many miracles done by the power of God. Sister Renbeck, who had been bed fast for a long time, was carried in on a cot and the prayer of faith was offered. Brother E. E. Byrum took her by the hand and commanded her to arise in the name of Jesus. She arose and went running around the tent lifting her hands and praising God.

Some of us, however, could not be satisfied to let her die without making further effort for her healing, so we sent for Bro. E. E. Byrum. She was again anointed and prayed for. While we were on our knees, God assured my heart that he would hear and answer prayer. Her suffering did not seem to decrease, however, immediately, and in less than an hour Brother Byrum was again called.

He had written to Brother E. E. Byrum to come and pray for him, and he was bringing the answer he had gotten from Brother Byrum which said, "I haven't time to come and furthermore it is so far and expenses would be so great and since the Dakota State Camp meeting convenes in a few days, you might be able to get someone to take you down there.

One day she said to me, "We have done everything we know to do except to send to Brother E. E. Byrum for an anointed handkerchief." I asked, "Do you want me to send for one?" to which she assented, and I sent for one. We received it by mail August the 23rd at 1 o'clock. I placed the handkerchief upon her and kneeling beside her laid my hands on her and prayed.

Then I got a phone message from Saint Paul Park saying, "We have been looking for you. Why don't you come?" My answer was, "I have no money." They said they had a check for thirteen dollars for me. I answered, "I am coming." From there I went to Chicago to meet Brother E. E. Byrum who was president of the Missionary Board.