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Cheered by these thoughts he endured the discomforts of the journey with moderate patience; he almost felt that he was suffering them in a good cause, for the sake of Johnny and Julia. The town was large and the centre of a large district, not at all like the retired gentility of Marbridge, very much bigger and busier.

Most of them were not sojourners of a day, who came and went, as they did at the larger and busier hotels, they were comfortable people who enjoyed themselves in their own quiet way and so had settled down for the time being.

Now she sat in the old Peabody pew darning the forlorn, faded cushion with grey carpet-thread: thread as grey as her own life. The scrubbing-party had moved to its labours in a far corner of the church, and two of the women were beginning preparations for the basket luncheons. Nancy's needle was no busier than her memory.

The "lower city," which is the busier of the two, lies on the opposite bank; and on its outskirts, in a little garden-close, almost surrounded by the fields, is the Cathedral, solitary, lonely, and old.

Of a busier life 'tis well to speak, Where four worlds their wealth to barter seek, On the world's great market, Thames' broad stream; Ships in thousands go there and depart There are seen the costliest works of art, And the earth-god, Mammon, reigns supreme But the sun his image only graves On the silent streamlet's level plain, Not upon the torrent's muddy waves, Swollen by the heavy rain.

Liza was a simple country wench, but it would be an error to suppose that because she had been bred up in a city more diminutive than anything that ever before gave itself the name, and because she had lived among hand-looms and milking-pails, and had never seen a ball or an opera, worn a mask or a domino, she was destitute of the instinct for intrigue which in the gayer and busier world seems to be the heritage of half her sex.

For a lively quarter of an hour they discussed people about town, liberally approving the slandered and denouncing the slanderers. A still busier quarter of an hour ensued when together they made up the list of dinner guests.

Ere he reached the busier part of the town, Jim made the disconcerting discovery that he was a marked man, an object of public contumely. He had heard calls of derision at various points along the road, and was convinced now that for some reason or another he was exciting the laughter and badinage of the men. This was a painful shock to Done's happiness.

Billy was even busier than she, his work being more scattered and diverse. And, as well, he kept his eye on the home barn and horses which Saxon used. In truth he had become a man of affairs, though Mrs. Mortimer had gone over his accounts, with an eagle eye on the expense column, discovering several minor leaks, and finally, aided by Saxon, bullied him into keeping books.

Of course not a creature in Vadso believed that, and declared that if it made the mountaineers happier to talk such nonsense, why, let them! The winter was long and cold, and the thoughts of the villagers were much busier with wolves than with Andras Baive, when suddenly, on a frosty day, he made his appearance in the little town of Vadso.