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"If you had cared to stay, you would have stayed," he told her, rather unreasonably. "Perhaps, after all, Boston to Olga simply means baked beans which she doesn't like, and codfish which she prefers raw " "Now you have spoiled it all," said Becky. "I loved the things that you said about the churches and the bookshops and Bunker Hill." "Did you?

Bunker's opera box when it was given on off nights or matinées to the chief editor's wife, and in turn she was inclined to patronize Mrs. Bragdon by sending her tickets to improving lectures and concerts. Hazel Fredericks, in her quiet and self-effacing manner, had aspirations, Milly suspected. She could not compete either with Mrs. Howard Bunker or Mrs.

Wherever the white children went about the plantation there was sure to be a crowd of colored boys and girls tagging them. After the first day Mother Bunker was reassured that nothing could happen to her brood, because there were so many of the colored men about the grounds to look after them. As in the house, a black or brown face, broadly a-smile, was likely to appear almost anywhere.

In this region lies Boston, where not the first, though nearly the first, blood of the Revolution was shed; where were hung for Paul Revere the lantern-beacons; which was first the base of operations against Bunker Hill; and which afterward suffered siege, and served as the outlet for the Tories to Canada, when Howe and his fleet sailed away.

"He was in the yard playing, a little while ago. The next time I looked he was gone. Where did the balloon come from, Rose?" "Mun Bun bought the balloon!" said the little girl. "He bought it?" cried Norah and Mrs. Bunker. "Yes, it's a five-cent one.

Its howls and shrieks seemed to take on, in the emptiness of the bunker, something of the human character, of human rage and pain being not vast but infinitely poignant. And there were, with every roll, thumps, too profound, ponderous thumps, as if a bulky object of five-ton weight or so had got play in the hold. But there was no such thing in the cargo. Something on deck? Impossible.

Like all dwellers by the sea, her face and her thoughts were more frequently turned towards it; and as with them, it also seemed to her that whatever change was coming into her life would come across that vast unknown expanse. But it was here that Mrs. Bunker was mistaken. It had been a sparkling summer morning.

Don't you know, Mother? I mean, Helen?" But they all gave it up, so Marjorie announced the solution, which is, "Make apple sauce!" "History lesson, now," said King. "Edward, who discovered America?" "Pocahontas," replied Mr. Maynard. "Right. Who was Pocahontas?" "A noble Indian Princess, who was born July 29th, 1563." "Very good. Ethel, describe the Battle of Bunker Hill."

But without making any reply Russ Bunker went down on his knees, looked under the lower berth, and then stretched an arm under and grabbed something with his hand. A sleepy squeal came from under the berth. Russ, laughing, dragged at the chubby ankle his hand had grasped. Mun Bun's cross, sleepy voice was raised in protest: "Don't you! Don't you! Let me be!" Mother and Daddy Bunker came running.

The stiffness of his neck seemed to embrace all his members, even his tongue. Miss Bunker came in from her lunch, bringing the afternoon mail. Mac Tavish maintained his silence while Morrison picked out what were patently his personal letters before surrendering the others to the girl to be opened and assorted. Mac Tavish waited till his master had gone through his personal mail.