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After that he seemed to grow an inch or two taller, and he lost that careless, shiftless way which comes of what he called the wanderlust bug. There wasn't so much laughter in his eyes, but something better had taken its place a deeper, grayer, more thoughtful look, and he didn't play those queer things with his mouth any more.

Guthrie's instructions as to how they should find it read like a page from Poe's "Gold Bug." This you must climb and walk so many paces north, turn and go so many feet west, and then north again. You then came to a white stone, from which you laid your course through more latitude and longitude until you were right over the spot.

They make the camps by night, and get hold of the boys right away. They throw a hurricane of hot air at them, preachin' the sort of dope that sets those darn fools lyin' around when they need to be makin' the winter cut. And when they're through, and started the bug the way they want it, they pull out right away before the daylight comes. We never get a chance at 'em.

"A big black what bug?" asked Nan, ready to laugh. "No, a big black snake! I almost stepped on it." "A snake! Oh, dear!" screamed the girls. "Call Mr. Tetlow!" said Flossie. "He's got a book about snakes, and he'll know what to do." "Come on!" cried Nellie Parks. "I'm going to run!" "So am I!" added Grace Lavine. "Oh, it may chase us!"

"Try the wood well, then, with your knife, and see if you think it VERY rotten." "Him rotten, massa, sure nuff," replied the negro in a few moments, "but not so berry rotten as mought be. Mought ventur out leetle way pon de limb by myself, dat's true." "By yourself! what do you mean?" "Why, I mean de bug. 'Tis BERRY hebby bug.

"Bopper he mout ketch her a new one mebbe to-morrow, mom.... Hiesh, Rebecca!" Moved by some impulse in her own buoyant mood, Carlisle touched the littlest girl on the shoulder with a well-gloved finger. "Here Rebecca, poor child!... You can buy yourself something better than Junebugs." The proprietor of the deceased bug, having raised her damp dark face, ceased crying instantly.

The rapidity with which a wound in a reasonably healthy individual, cleaned and dressed on modern surgical principles, will heal, is almost incredible, until it has actually been seen. The principal danger of garden-soil or street-dust in a wound is not so much from pus-germs, though these may be present, as from another "bug" the tetanus or lockjaw bacillus.

COCK CHAFFERS. This species of the beetle, sometimes called the May bug, is a formidable enemy to the husbandman, and has been found to swarm in such numbers, as to devour every kind of vegetable production. The insect is first generated in the earth, from the eggs deposited by the fly in its perfect state.

And the new monitor was welcomed by the existing staff, for she had supplanted no one, and was so palpitatingly happy that Patrick Brennan forgave her earlier usurpation of his office and Nathan Spiderwitz bestowed upon her the freedom of the window boxes. "Ever when you likes you should have a crawley bug from off of the flowers; you tell me und I'll catch one fer you. I got lots.

The boys said they nearly had one over on Grizzly Peak one time, but it swallowed its tail and become invisible to the human eye, though they could still hear its low note of pleading. Also, they had Herman looking for a mated couple of the spinach bug for which the Smithsonian Institution had offered a reward of five hundred dollars, cash.