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"She steers better without it. The wind's pretty fierce, isn't it? Look out!" A big wave broke over the rail and descended on them in bucketfulls. "That's what makes it so pleasant," shouted Wink. "Guess I'll take a nap if I can." "Bert's making some coffee," said Joe. "Better have some before you turn in." Perry made his way cautiously forward and relieved Han. "Seen anything?" he asked.

I was late, seven being my hour: for on that day I had been engaged in the occasionally necessary, but always deferred, task of overhauling the ship, brushing here a rope with tar, there a board with paint, there a crank with oil, rubbing a door-handle, a brass-fitting, filling the three cabin-lamps, dusting mirrors and furniture, dashing the great neat-joinered plains of deck with bucketfulls, or, high in air, chopping loose with its rigging the mizzen top-mast, which since a month was sprained at the clamps, all this in cotton drawers under loose quamis, bare-footed, my beard knotted up, the sun a-blaze, the sea smooth and pale with the smooth pallor of strong currents, the ship still enough, no land in sight, yet great tracts of sea-weed making eastward I working from 11 A.M. till near 7, when sudden darkness interrupted: for I wished to have it all over in one obnoxious day.

They could not be roused as quickly as the occasion demanded. Teddy ran to the store-room for a leathern bucket, but before he could descend to the rock, fill it and re-ascend, the flames had got a firm hold of the cupola. He dashed the water into the lantern just as his horrified comrades appeared. "Fetch bucketfulls as fast as ye can.